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单词 Messina
释义 Messina  AHD:  [m¹-s¶“n…, mµ-] D.J.  [m!6si8n*, me-]K.K.  [m!6sin*, mW-]NONE(无词性)A city of northeast Sicily, Italy, on theStrait of Messina,  a channel separating Sicily from mainland Italy. Founded in the eighth century b.c.  by Greek colonists. Messina was decimated by the plague in 1743 and suffered severe earthquakes in 1783 and 1908. The strait's rocks, currents, and whirlpools may have been the inspiration for the legend of Scylla and Charybdis. Population, 255,890. 墨西拿:意大利西西里岛东北部一城市,位于墨西拿海峡 沿岸,该海峡将西西里岛和意大利大陆分隔开来。该城于 公元前 8世纪由希腊殖民者创建。在1743年的瘟疫流行中该城人口大批死亡,1783年及1908年该城又遭受严重的地震灾害。斯库拉和卡律布狄斯的传说可能就得灵感于墨西拿海峡的礁石、激流与漩涡。人口255,890




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