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单词 meteor.
释义 meteor.  meteor.  abbr.(略语)1. Meteorological.气象的,气象学的2. Meteorology. Meteorology. meteor  me.te.or  AHD:  [m¶“t¶-…r, -ôr”] D.J.  [6mi8ti8*, -7%8]K.K.  [6miti+, -7%r]n.(名词)A bright trail or streak that appears in the sky when a meteoroid is heated to incandescence by friction with the earth's atmosphere.Also called  falling star ,shooting star 流星:流星体与地球大气摩擦加热至白炽在天空中出现的闪光痕迹或光带也作  falling star,shooting star语源:1. Middle English metheour [atmospheric phenomenon] 中古英语 metheour [大气现象] 2. from Old French meteore 源自 古法语 meteore 3. from Medieval Latin mete½rum 源自 中世纪拉丁语 mete½rum 4. from Greek mete½ron [astronomical phenomenon] [from neuter of] mete½ros [high in the air] 源自 希腊语 mete½ron [天文现象]  [] 源自mete½ros的中性词 [在天空高处] 5. meta- [meta-] meta- [前缀,表“变换,变化”] 6. -aoros [lifted] ; akin to  aeirein [to lift up] * see  aorta -aoros [被抬高的] ;类似于  aeirein [抬高] *参见 aorta




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