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单词 apology
释义 apology[ə'pɒlədʒi]n. 道歉, 辩护【法】 道歉, 谢罪, 辩解者相关词组:a mere apology for... apology  AHD:  […-p¼l“…-j¶] D.J.  [*6pKl*d9i8]K.K.  [*6p$l*d9i]n.(名词)  【复数】 a.pol.o.gies 1. An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.道歉认错,愧悔:因错误和冒犯而承认后悔,乞求原谅2. A formal justification or defense.正式辩解,正式辩护3. An explanation or excuse:解释,说明:“The consequence of those measures will be the best apology for my conduct”(&b{Daniel Defoe})“这些措施的结果将是我行为的最好的解释”(丹尼尔·迪福)4. An inferior substitute:勉强代用品:The sagging cot was a poor apology for a bed.下陷的帆布床是床的一个低劣的代用品语源:1. Latin apologia 拉丁语 apologia 2. from Greek 源自 希腊语 3. apo- [apo-] apo- [前缀,表示“离开”,“远离”] 4. logos [speech] * see  leg- logos [讲话,言辞] *参见 leg- 参考词汇:1. apology,apologetic,apologia,defense,justification2. The central meaning shared by these nouns is “a statement that justifies or defends something, such as a past action or a policy”: 这些名词共有的中心意思是“为某事物,如过去的行为、政策辩解或辩护而作的声明”: an intellectually untenable justification for police brutality. 为警方暴行而作的在理性上站不住脚的辩护。




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