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单词 metonymy
释义 metonymy[mi'tɒnimi]n. 转喻【医】 代语失当, 选语失当 metonymy  AHD:  [m…-t¼n“…-m¶] D.J.  [m*6tKn*mi8]K.K.  [m*6t$n*mi]n.(名词)  【复数】 me.ton.y.mies A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use ofWashington  for the United States government  or of the sword  for military power.  换喻,转喻:一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿 代替 美政府 或用 剑 代替 军事力量  语源:1. Late Latin met½nymia 后期拉丁语 met½nymia 2. from Greek met½numia 源自 希腊语 met½numia 3. meta- [meta-] meta- [前缀,表示“转换”] 4. onuma [name] * see  n&9{Ò}-men- onuma [名字] *参见 n&9{Ò}-men- 继承用法:met”onym“ic  AHD:  [mµt”…-n¹m“¹k]  或 met”o.nym“ (形容词)met”onym“ically  adv.(副词)




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