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单词 migrate
释义 migrate['maigreit]vi. 移动, 移往, 随季节而移居【计】 迁移程序【医】 移行 migrate  mi.grate  AHD:  [mº“gr³t”] D.J.  [6ma!7gre!t]K.K.  [6ma!7gret]v.intr.(不及物动词)  mi.grat.ed,,mi.grates 1. To move from one country or region and settle in another.移居,迁徙:从一个国家或地区迁移到另一个国家或地区定居2. To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.迁移,移栖:定期变换所在地,尤指季节性地从一地迁移到另一地语源:Latin migr³re  migr³t- * see  mei- 1拉丁语 migr³re  migr³t- *参见 mei- 1继承用法:mi“gra”tor  n.(名词)用法:1. Migrate,  which is used of people and animals, sometimes implies a lack of permanent settlement,especially as a result of seasonal or periodic movement.Emigrate  and immigrate  are used only of people and imply a permanent move,generally across a political boundary.Emigrate  describes the move relative to the point of departure:  Migrate 用于人和动物, 有时含有缺乏永久的居住地之意,尤指出于季节性或定期迁移这两个原因。Emigrate 和 immigrate 仅用来指人, 意味着永久性的迁移,一般指越过政治意义上的疆界。Emigrate 的含义与离开有关:  After the Nazis came to power in Germany, many scientists emigrated (that is, left Germany). 纳粹夺取了德国的政权之后,许多科学家都迁走了(也就是说,离开了德国)。 2. By contrast,immigrate describes the move relative to the destination:  与之相对,immigrate 指的是与到达目的有关的移动:  The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate (that is, move to the United States). 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国(也就是指,迁入了美国)




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