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单词 milk shake
释义 milk shake  milk shake  n.(名词)1. A beverage made of milk, flavoring, and ice cream, shaken or whipped until foamy.Also called  Regional cabinet Regional frappé ,shake Regional velvet 奶昔冰淇淋:一种由牛奶、香料和冰淇淋混合,经摇动或搅拌直至起沫的饮料也作  【区域的】 cabinet【区域的】 frappé,shake【区域的】 velvet2. New England A beverage made of milk and flavored syrup, whipped until foamy.【新英格兰】 奶昔:一种由牛奶和香料糖浆混合,并搅拌至起沫的饮料注释:To most Americans,a milk shake, that thick, sweet accompaniment to a hamburger and fries, naturally includes ice cream.But speakers in parts of New England make finer distinctions in their ice cream terminology.To a person living in Rhode Island or the adjoining part of Massachussetts,a milk shake consists of milk shaken up with flavored syrupand nothing more;if ice cream is included,the drink is called acabinet,  possibly, says food writer John F. Mariani inThe Dictionary of American Food and Drink,  named after the square wooden cabinet in which the mixer was encased.Farther north in New England,the same drink is called avelvet  or a frappé  (from French frapper,  “to ice”). Other ice cream drinks and concoctions are known by different terms in various parts of the country:a banana split is called ahouseboat  in some locales, and a float made of root beer and vanilla ice cream is called ablack cow  in Chicago. 对大多数美国人来说,奶昔这种在吃汉堡包和炸薯条时所饮用的甜而稠的饮料通常混有冰淇淋。但是在新英格兰的某些地方,人们对冰淇淋的名称有很细致的区分。对居住在罗得岛及与之相邻的马萨诸塞州某地区的人来说,奶昔只指牛奶与香料糖浆搅拌成的混合物,而不含有其它成分;如果其中含有冰淇淋,那么这种饮料就叫作cabinet , 据食谱作家约翰·F·马里亚尼在美国食品及饮料辞典 中所述, 这一名称有可能得名于装搅拌器的木制方型小匣。在新英格兰北部地区,这种饮料叫作velvet 或 frappe (由法语 frapper 而来,意思为“冰”)。 其它冰淇淋饮料或混合物在不同的地区有不同的名称;香蕉船在一些地方叫作houseboat , 一种由根汁饮料和香草冰淇淋制成的饮料在芝加哥被称为black cow  




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