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单词 mind
释义 mind[maind]n. 思想, 愿望, 智力, 记忆, 心理, 情绪, 理智, 主意, 心意vi. 介意, 注意, 留心vt. 注意, 留意, 专心于, 照看, 介意【医】 精神, 意志相关词组:tell sb one's mindcome to sb's mindmind one's workabsence of mindapply one's mind tobe a mind to do sthbear in mindbear in mind thatbe in one's right mindbe of the same mindbe out of one's mindchange one's mindgive one's mind togive sb a piece of one's mindhave half a mind to do sthhave little mind to do sthhave no mind to do sthhave sth in mindhave sth on one's mindkeep one's mind onknow one's own mindmind one's p's and q'snever mindoff sb's mindon sb's mindopen one's mind tokeep in mindmind one's own businessmind youpoison sb's mind againstpresence of mindput sb in mind of sthset one's mind onsink into the mindto one's mindweigh on sb's mindwith an open mindwith sth in mind mind  mind  AHD:  [mºnd] D.J.  [ma!nd]K.K.  [ma!nd]n.(名词)1. The human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.头脑,心:人类产生于大脑的意识,尤以思想、知觉、情感、愿望、记忆和想象力体现出来2. The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior.心智,意识:感觉器官指挥和影响心理或生理行为的有意识和无意识的全过程3. The principle of intelligence; the spirit of consciousness regarded as an aspect of reality.精神:智力的本源;被看作现实的一个方面的意识4. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge:智力,理智:思考、推理和应用知识的能力:Follow your mind, not your heart.用理智而别受感情的左右5. A person of great mental ability:有才智的人:有极高思想能力的人:the great minds of the century.本世纪的大思想家们6. Individual consciousness, memory, or recollection:脑海,记忆:个人的意识、记忆或回忆:I'll bear the problem in mind.我会记住这个问题7. A person or group that embodies certain mental qualities:具有…头脑的人:具有某种思想特征的人或人群:the medical mind; the public mind.具有医学头脑的人;具有公众头脑的人8. The thought processes characteristic of a person or group; psychological makeup:思想倾向,心思:以某人或某一人群为特征的思想过程;心理特征:the criminal mind.犯罪心理9. Opinion or sentiment:意见或看法:He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.他得知事实后改变了看法10. Desire or inclination:意愿或倾向:She had a mind to spend her vacation in the desert.她打算到沙漠度假11. Focus of thought; attention:心思;注意力:I can't keep my mind on work.我无法集中精神工作12. A healthy mental state; sanity:健全的心智;正常的神志:losing one's mind.失去理性13. Mind Christian Science The Deity regarded as the perfect intelligence ruling over all of divine creation.Mind 【基督教科学派】 神,上帝:被看作统治所有造物的具有完美智慧的神v.(动词)  mind.ed,,minds及物动词)1. To bring (an object or idea) to mind; remember.使想起,使记得:脑海中产生(事物或观点);记起2. To become aware of; notice.注意:意识到…;注意3. Upper Southern U.S. To have in mind as a goal or purpose; intend.【美国南部偏北】 打算:作为目标或目的存于脑海之中;有意于4. To heed in order to obey:服从:留心以便服从:The children mind well.孩子们很听话5. To attend to:注意:Mind closely what I tell you.密切注意我告诉你的话6. To be careful about:留心,当心:Mind the icy sidewalk!小心结冰的人行道!7. To care about; be concerned about.照料;关照8. To object to; dislike:反对;不喜欢:doesn't mind doing the chores.不介意做家务9. To take care or charge of; look after.看管:看管或管理;照料v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To take notice; give heed.注意;当心2. To behave obediently.服从:举止顺从3. To be concerned or troubled; care:关心:关心或焦虑;重视:“Not minding about bad food has become a national obsession”(&b{Times Literary Supplement})“不重视变质食物已成为困扰全国的问题”(时代文学增刊)4. To be cautious or careful.小心或谨慎语源:1. Middle English minde 中古英语 minde 2. from Old English gemynd * see  men- 1源自 古英语 gemynd *参见 men- 1继承用法:mind“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. mind,intellect,intelligence,brain,wit,reason2. These nouns denote the faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge.这些词都表示思考、推理、获取或运用知识的能力。3. Mind,   opposed toheart, soul,  or spirit,  refers broadly to the capacities for thought, perception, memory, and decision: Mind  与heart,soul 或者 spirit 相对, 泛指思想、知觉、记忆和决断的能力: “No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear” (Edmund Burke).“没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力” (埃德蒙·伯克)。4. Intellect  stresses the capacity for knowing, thinking, and understanding as contrasted with feeling and willing: Intellect  强调认知、思维以及理解等与知觉和愿望相对的能力: “Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect” (Herbert Spencer).“观点是完全由情感而不是由理智决定的” (赫伯特·斯宾塞)。5. Intelligence   implies the capacity for solving problems, learning from experience, and reasoning abstractly: Intelligence  表示解决问题、从经验中学习及抽象推理的能力: “The world of the future will be an ever more demanding struggle against the limitations of our intelligence” (Norbert Wiener).“未来的世界将会有一场突破智力局限的更紧迫的斗争” (诺伯特·维纳)。6. Brain  suggests strength of intellect: Brain  则有思维能力的含义: Many of the most successful people are endowed with brains, talent, and perseverance.许多获得巨大成功的人都有非凡的智慧、才能以及坚韧不拔的毅力。7. Wit  stresses quickness of intelligence or facility of comprehension: Wit  强调应变迅速或理解得很快: He lacks formal education but is adept at living by his wits.他缺乏正规的教育,但却通过他的智慧生活得很好。8. Reason,  the capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought, embraces comprehending, evaluating, and drawing conclusions: Reason  指逻辑、理解和分析的能力,表示理解、评价或得出结论: “I am sure that, since I have had the full use of my reason, nobody has ever heard me laugh” (Earl of Chesterfield).See also Synonyms at  &b{tend} &+{2}“我敢肯定,自从我运用了全部的理性之后,没有人再听到我笑过” (切斯特菲尔德伯爵)参见同义词 tend2




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