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单词 mineral
释义 mineral['minərəl]n. 矿物, 无机物, 苏打水a. 矿物的, 似矿物的【医】 无机物, 矿质【经】 矿物的, 矿质的 mineral  AHD:  [m¹n“…r-…l] D.J.  [6m!n*r*l]K.K.  [6m!n*r*l]n.(名词)1. A naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness.矿物:一种自然生成的同类无机固体,具有确定的化学成分和独特的晶体结构、颜色和硬度2. Any of various natural substances, as:自然物质的一种,如:3. An element, such as gold or silver.元素:一种元素,如金或银4. An organic derivative, such as coal or petroleum.有机衍生物:一种有机衍生物,如煤或石油5. A substance, such as stone, sand, salt, or coal, that is extracted or obtained from the ground or water and used in economic activities.矿物:一种物质,如石头、沙子、盐或煤,从土地或水中提取或获得,用于经济运行中6. A substance that is neither animal nor vegetable; inorganic matter.无机物:既非动物也非植物的物质;无机物7. An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to the nutrition of human beings, animals, and plants.无机元素:无机元素,如铝、铁、钾、钠或锌,为人类、动物和植物营养必不可少的成分8. An ore.矿石9. minerals Chiefly British Mineral water.minerals 【多用于英国】 矿泉水adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to minerals:矿物的:矿物的或与之相关的:a mineral deposit.矿藏2. Impregnated with minerals.无机物浸渍的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Medieval Latin miner³le [from neuter of] miner³lis [pertaining to mines] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 miner³le  [] 源自miner³lis的中性词 [有关于矿的] 3. from Old French miniere [mine] 源自 古法语 miniere [矿] 4. from mine * see  mine 1源自 mine *参见 mine1




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