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单词 minestrone
释义 minestrone  AHD:  [m¹n”¹-str½“n¶] D.J.  [7m!n!6str*&ni8]K.K.  [7m!n!6stroni]n.(名词)A thick soup of Italian origin containing assorted vegetables, beans, pasta such as vermicelli or macaroni, and herbs in a meat or vegetable broth.蔬菜浓汤:源于意大利的一种浓汤,用多种蔬菜、豆子、面团(如通心粉或细面条)以及放入肉或菜汤中的香料制成语源:1. Italian [augmentative of] minestra [dish consisting of pasta, rice, vegetables or beans cooked in water] 意大利语  [] minestra的增义成分 [用面团、大米、蔬菜或豆子加水煮成的菜] 2. from Old Italian 源自 古意大利语 3. from minestrare [to dish up, serve this dish] 源自 minestrare [把…装盘上菜,上这道菜] 4. from Latin ministr³re [to serve food] 源自 拉丁语 ministr³re [上菜] 5. from minister [servant] * see  mei- 2源自 minister [仆人] *参见 mei- 2注释:The thick vegetable soup known asminestrone  did not come by its name because of its ingredients or their shape but rather because of service,something highly valued by many restaurant patrons.Minestrone is from the Italian word of the same form and sense, which in turn is derived fromminestra,  meaning “a dish generally consisting of pasta, rice, beans, or vegetables cooked in water.”Minestra  has been borrowed into English as well, being first recorded in 1750,whileminestrone  is first found in 1891. The Italian wordminestra  is from the verb minestrare,  meaning “to serve this type of soup” or “dish up,”which goes back to the Latin verbministr³re,  “to serve food,” from Latinminister,  “servant.” 这种叫作minestrone 的蔬菜浓汤不是由其成分或形状而得名, 而是由其上菜方式而得名的,这一点得到很多饭店主顾的称道。Minestrone  源于同形同义的意大利语词, 这个词由minestra 而来, 意为“通常用面团、大米、豆子或蔬菜加水煮成的菜”。英语中也引入了minestra 这个词, 该词第一次出现于1750年,而minestrone 则首次于出现在1891年。 意大利语词minestra 由动词 minestrare 而来, 意为“上这种汤”或“把…装盘上菜”,这个词可追溯到拉丁语动词ministrare 意为“上菜”, 又由拉丁语词minister “仆人”而来




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