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单词 moat
释义 moat[məut]n. 壕沟, 护城河vt. 将...围以壕沟 moat  moat  AHD:  [m½t] D.J.  [m*&t]K.K.  [mot]n.(名词)1. A deep, wide ditch, usually filled with water, typically surrounding a fortified medieval town, fortress, or castle as a protection against assault.护城河:一条深而宽的、通常有水沟环绕设防的中世纪城镇城堡或堡垒,用以抵抗外来袭击2. A ditch similar to one surrounding a fortification:深沟:类似环绕要塞的河沟:A moat separates the animals in the zoo from the spectators.一条深沟把动物园里的动物和观众隔开及物动词)  moat.ed,,moats To surround with or as if with a deep, wide ditch.以深沟环绕:用,或仿佛用深而宽的壕沟环绕语源:1. Middle English mote [mound, moat] 中古英语 mote [用栅栏圈转,环以护城河] 2. from Old French [mound,] 源自 古法语 [土丘] 3. or Medieval Latin mota 或 中世纪拉丁语 mota




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