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单词 modification
释义 modification[,mɒdifi'keiʃən]n. 修正, 修饰, 修改【化】 修饰; 修改【医】 变体, 改进, 改变, 变型, 变式【经】 修改, 更改, 改变 modification  AHD:  [m¼d”…-f¹-k³“sh…n] D.J.  [7mKd*f!6ke!.*n]K.K.  [7m$d*f!6ke.*n]n.Abbr. modif.(名词)缩写 modif.1. The act of modifying or the condition of being modified.限制:限制的行动或被限制的条件2. A result of modifying.限制的结果3. A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation.更改:小小的改变,调正或限制4. Biology Any of the changes in an organism caused by environment or activity and not genetically transmissable to offspring.【生物学】 诱发变异:由环境或行为引起的但不遗传给后代的有机物的变化5. Linguistics 【语言学】 6. A change undergone by a word that is borrowed from another language.外来语演变:由另一种语言借入的一个词所经历的变化7. A phonological change undergone by a word or morpheme when it is used in a construction, as the change ofwill  to 'll  in they'll.  变异:一个字词或语素当被用在一个结构中,如在they'll 中,由 will 变成 'll 时发生的语音变化 继承用法:mod“ifica”tor  n.(名词)mod“ifica”tory  AHD:  [-k³”t…-r¶]  或 mod“”tive [-k³”-t¹v] (形容词)




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