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单词 Morgan
释义 Morgan['mɒ:gən]n. 摩根马 Morgan 1  Mor.gan  AHD:  [môr“g…n] D.J.  [6m%8g*n]K.K.  [6m%rg*n]n.(名词)Any of a breed of American saddle and trotting horses noted for strength, speed, and endurance.摩根马:任一种美国的能载重或当坐骑的轻型马,以其强健、快速和耐力而出名语源:After Justin Morgan  (1747-1798), American schoolteacher 源自查士丁 摩尔根 (1747-1798年),美国教师  Morgan 2  Morgan&B{Daniel} (&b{1736-1802})  NONE(无词性)American Revolutionary soldier who commanded the defeat of the British at the Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1781).摩根,丹尼尔:(1736-1802) 美国革命战士,曾在南卡罗来纳州的考本斯战役(1781年)中指挥击败英军 Morgan 3  MorganSir &B{Henry} (&b{1635?-1688})  NONE(无词性)Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean and was acting governor of Jamaica (1680-1682).摩根,亨利:(1635?-1688) 抢劫西班牙船只并定居于加勒比的威尔士海盗,曾出任牙买加总督(1680年-1682年) Morgan 4  Morgan&B{John Hunt} (&b{1825-1864})  NONE(无词性)American Confederate soldier who led cavalry raids behind Union lines in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.摩根,约翰·亨特:(1825-1864) 美国邦联战士,曾在田纳西、肯塔基、印第安和俄亥俄州带领骑兵突袭联邦军后防 Morgan 5  Morgan&B{John Pierpont} (&b{1837-1913})  NONE(无词性)American financier and philanthropist noted for his reorganization and control of major railroads, his consolidation of the U.S. Steel Corporation (1901), and his collection of art and the establishment of the Morgan Library in New York City, which was donated to the public (1924) by his sonJohn Pierpont, Jr.  (1867-1943). 摩根,约翰·皮尔蓬特:(1837-1913) 美国金融家和慈善家,以其众多业绩闻名,他成功地对主要铁路进行整顿和控制、1901年合并了美国钢铁公司、收藏艺术品并在纽约城建立了摩根图书馆,该馆于1924年由他的儿子约翰·皮尔庞特 (1867-1943年)捐献给了公众  Morgan 6  Morgan&B{Lewis Henry} (&b{1818-1881})  NONE(无词性)American anthropologist who studied Native Americans, particularly the Seneca. His written works includeAncient Society  (1877). 摩根,刘易斯·亨利:(1818-1881) 美国人类学家,研究美洲土著居民,尤其是在塞内卡居民。他的著作包括《古代社会》 (1877年)  Morgan 7  Morgan&B{Thomas Hunt} (&b{1866-1945})  NONE(无词性)American biologist. He won a 1933 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the hereditary function of chromosomes.摩根,托马斯·亨特:(1866-1945) 美国生物学家,因其发现有关染色体的遗传功能而荣获1933年诺贝尔奖




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