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单词 Morton
释义 Morton 1  Mor.ton  AHD:  [môr“tn] Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe  Known as “Jelly Roll.”(1885-1941) D.J.  [6m%8tn]K.K.  [6m%rt2]NONE(无词性)American musician and composer who recorded seminal jazz works during the 1920's and claimed to have invented jazz.莫顿,费迪南德·约瑟夫·拉·蒙瑟:(1885-1941) 美国音乐家和作曲家,在20世纪20年代创作了具有开创性的爵士乐作品,被认为是爵士乐的发明者 Morton 2  Morton&B{Levi Parsons} (&b{1824-1920})  NONE(无词性)Vice President of the United States (1889-1893) under Benjamin Harrison.莫顿,莱维·帕松斯:(1824-1920) 美国本杰明·哈里森任期内的副总统(1889-1893年) Morton 3  Morton&B{Thomas} (&b{Died c. 1647})  NONE(无词性)English-born American colonist who was twice deported to England (1628 and 1630) by Puritans who disapproved of his business practices and frolicsome ways.莫顿,托马斯:(卒于 1647) 英国裔美国殖民者,曾两次被反对他商业规则和玩乐的生活方式的清教徒驱逐到英国(1628和1630年) Morton 4  Morton&B{William Thomas Green} (&b{1819-1868})  NONE(无词性)American dentist who demonstrated the use of ether as an anesthetic (1846).莫顿,威廉·托马斯·格林:(1819-1868) 美国牙医,他开创了把乙醚作为一种麻醉剂的用法(1846年)




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