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单词 -most
释义 -most  -most  suff.(后缀)1. Most:后缀,表示“最”:innermost.最里面2. Nearest to:后缀,表“最近”:aftmost.最后的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. alteration  influenced by most [most] * see  most  受 most的影响 [最] *参见 most3. of -mest -mest的变化 4. from Old English 源自 古英语 5. -mo, -ma [superlative suff.] -mo, -ma [后缀,表“最高级的”] 6. -est [superlative suff] -est [后缀,表“最高”]  Most  Most  AHD:  [môst] D.J.  [m%8st]K.K.  [m%st]NONE(无词性)A city of northwest Czechoslovakia near the German border northwest of Prague. It dates to at least the 11th century. Population, 63,634.莫斯特:捷克斯洛伐克西北部一城市,位于布拉格西北部,靠近德国边境。其历史至少可追溯到11世纪。人口63,634 most  most  AHD:  [m½st] D.J.  [m*&st]K.K.  [most]adj.(形容词)   many的最高级形式,much 1. Greatest in number:数量上最多的:won the most votes.拥有最多数的选票2. Greatest in amount, extent, or degree:数量、范围或程度上最大的:has the most compassion.最具同情心的3. In the greatest number of instances:在大多数情形中:Most fish have fins.大多数鱼有鳞n.(名词)1. The greatest amount or degree:最大的数量或程度:She has the most to gain.她可以获得最多的收益2. Slang The greatest, best, or most exciting. Used withthe : 【俚语】 最伟大的、最好的或最令人激动的。与the 连用: That party was the most!那一晚会精彩极了pron.(代词)(used with a sing. or pl. verb)The greatest part or number:(与单数或复数动词连用)最多部分或数量:Most of the town was destroyed. Most of the books were missing.大多数城镇被破坏。大多数书都找不着了adv.(副词)   more的最高级形式,much 1. In or to the highest degree or extent. Used with many adjectives and adverbs to form the superlative degree:在最高或最大程度、范围内。与许多形容词和副词连用构成最高级:most honest; most impatiently.最诚实的;最不耐心地2. Very:非常:a most impressive piece of writing.一篇给人印象很深的文章3. Informal Almost:【非正式用语】 几乎:Most everyone agrees.几乎人人赞同习惯用语:at (the) most  At the maximum:达到最大值:We saw him for ten minutes at the most. She ran two miles at most.我们能见他十分钟。她最多跑了两英里语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English m&9{Æst, m³st} * see  m¶- 3源自 古英语 m&9{Æst, m³st} *参见 m¶- 33. Adv., sense 3, probably short for almost 副词释义3,可能为 almost的简写




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