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单词 mulch
释义 mulch[mʌltʃ]n. 覆盖物, 护根, 根篱vt. 铺护盖物, 做护根 mulch  mulch  AHD:  [m¾lch] D.J.  [mJlt.]K.K.  [mJlt.]n.(名词)A protective covering, usually of organic matter such as leaves, straw, or peat, placed around plants to prevent the evaporation of moisture, the freezing of roots, and the growth of weeds.覆盖层:放在植物周围以防止水份蒸发、根被冻坏和野草生长的保护性覆盖物,通常由有机物质构成,如树叶、草或泥炭等及物动词)  mulched,, To cover or surround with mulch.覆盖:用覆盖层覆盖或包围语源:1. Probably from Middle English melsche, molsh [soft] 可能源自 中古英语 melsche, molsh [柔软的] 2. from Old English melsc [mellow, mild] * see  mel- 1源自 古英语 melsc [醇香的,柔和的] *参见 mel- 1




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