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单词 mutation
释义 mutation[mju:'teiʃən]n. 变化, 突变, 元音变化【化】 突变【医】 突变 mutation  mu.ta.tion  AHD:  [my›-t³“sh…n] D.J.  [mju86te!.*n]K.K.  [mju6te.*n]n.(名词)1. The act or process of being altered or changed.改变:变化、转变的行为或过程2. An alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality.转变:转变或者变化,比如在本质、形式或者质量上的变化3. Genetics 【遗传学】 4. A sudden structural change within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type.突变,变种:生物体的基因或者染色体的突变,产生一种父代所没有的新的特征或者特性5. The process by which such a sudden structural change occurs, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome.突变,变种:突变发生的过程,是通过基因的脱氧核糖核酸密码的核苷酸顺序的改变或者通过染色体内部的物理重新排列6. A mutant.突变体7. Linguistics The change, especially an umlaut, that is caused in a sound by its assimilation to another sound.【语言学】 元音变化,变音:由于一个音被另一个音词化而导致的变化,尤其是元音的变化语源:1. Middle English mutacioun 中古英语 mutacioun 2. from Old French mutacion 源自 古法语 mutacion 3. from Latin m&9{¿t³ti½}  m&9{¿}t³ti½n- [from past participle of] m&9{¿}t³re [to change] * see  mutate 源自 拉丁语 m&9{¿t³ti½}  m&9{¿}t³ti½n-  [] 源自m&9{¿}t³re的过去分词 [变化] *参见 mutate继承用法:muta“tional  adj.(形容词)muta“tionally  adv.(副词)




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