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单词 mutual
释义 mutual['mju:tʃuəl]a. 相互的, 共有的【经】 相互的 mutual  AHD:  [my›“ch›-…l] D.J.  [6mju8t.u8*l]K.K.  [6mjut.u*l]adj.(形容词)1. Having the same relationship each to the other:彼此相关的:相互之间有共同关系的:mutual predators.彼此相关的肉食性动物2. Directed and received in equal amount; reciprocal:相互的,彼此的:等量指导的或以相等的数量接受的;互惠的:mutual respect.相互之间的尊敬3. Possessed in common:共同拥有的:mutual interests.共同的利益4. Of, relating to, or in the form of mutual insurance.相互保险的:相互保险的,有关相互保险的或相互保险形式的n.(名词)A mutual fund.信托基金语源:1. French mutuel 法语 mutuel 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin m&9{¿tuus} [borrowed] * see  mei- 1源自 拉丁语 m&9{¿tuus} [借] *参见 mei- 1继承用法:mu”tual“ity  AHD:  [-²l“¹-t¶] (名词)mu“tually  adv.(副词)用法:Mutual  is uncontroversially used to describe a reciprocal relationship between two or more things, in which use it can be paraphrased by expressions involvingbetween  or each other.  Thustheir mutual animosity  means “their animosity for each other” or “the animosity between them,” anda mutual defense treaty  is one in which each party agrees to come to the defense of the other. Butmutual  is also widely used where one might expect “common,” as inThe bill serves the mutual interests of management and labor  and particularly in the expressionour mutual friend,  which was widespread even before Charles Dickens used it as the title of a novel.Critics have often objected to this use,but it is well established in reputable writing.However,mutual  in this latter sense is reserved to describe relations that hold between two or more specific parties and a third person or thing. It cannot be used as a substitute forcommon  in the sense “general”:  Mutual 毫无争议地被用来描述两者或者更多事物之间的相互关系, 可以用一些包括between 或 each other 的表达来解释。 因此他们相互的敌意 意思为“他们彼此之间产生的敌意”或者“他们之间的敌意”, 相互防御条约 意为一个政党同意帮助另一政党进行防御的条约。 但是Mutual 也广泛地用来表示“共同的”, 就象在这个议案满足劳资双方的需要。  特别是在短语我们共同的朋友,  甚至在查理·狄更斯把它作为一本小说名之前就已经广泛应用。评论家们一直以来常常反对这种用法,但是在规范的写作中它已被完全确定下来了。但是mutual 后来产生的意思被用来描述两个或者更多特定元素及物和第三者之间的关系。 当意为“普遍的”时,它不能代替common 来表述“总体”的含义:  It is commonly (not &I{mutually} ) &I{believed that Spanish is an easier language than French.}  (而不用 mutually ) 相信西班牙语是一种比法语简单的语言  




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