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单词 myriad
释义 myriad['miriəd]n. 无数, 无数的人(或物)a. 无数的, 种种的 myriad  AHD:  [m¹r“¶-…d] D.J.  [6m!ri8*d]K.K.  [6m!ri*d]adj.(形容词)1. Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable:无数的;数不清的:由极大且无限的数量构成的;无数的:the myriad fish in the ocean.海洋中数不胜数的鱼2. Composed of numerous diverse elements or facets:多种的,各式各样的:由无数不同的成分组成的:the myriad life of the metropolis.大城市多姿多彩的生活n.(名词)1. A vast number:无数:巨大的数目,无穷大:the myriads of bees in the hive.蜂房里无数的蜜蜂2. Archaic Ten thousand.【古语】 一万语源:1. Greek murias  muriad- [ten thousand] 希腊语 murias  muriad- [一万] 2. from murios [countless] 源自 murios [无数的] 用法:Throughout most of its history in Englishmyriad  was used as a noun, as ina myriad of men.  In the 19th centuryit began to be used as an adjective,as inmyriad men;  this usage became so well entrenchedthat many people came to consider it as the only correct possibility.In fact, both uses have not only ample precedent in English but also etymological justification from Greek,in as much as the Greek wordmurias  from which myriad  derives could be used as either a noun or an adjective.Both uses may be considered equally acceptable,as in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's“Myriad myriads of lives.”  在英语中,myriad 的大部分历史一直被用作名词, 如在数以万计的男子 。 在19世纪,它开始被用作形容词,如在myriad men 中, 这种用法很快就被人们认可了,而且还认为它是唯一的正确用法。事实上,这两种用法不仅在英语中而且在希腊语的语源纠正中都有许多先例,因为源于myriad 的希腊语单词 munias , 既可用作名词也可用作形容词。两种用法同样被接受,如塞缪尔·泰勒尔里奇的“Myriad myriad of lives”  




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