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单词 nail
释义 nail[neil]n. 钉子, 指甲vt. 用钉钉牢, 使固定, 截住, 揭露【医】 甲, 爪; 钉相关词组:nail one's eyes on sthdrive a nail intonail sb down to his promisenail upon the nailpay on the nailto the nail nail  nail  AHD:  [n³l] D.J.  [ne!l]K.K.  [nel]n.(名词)1. A slim, pointed piece of metal hammered into material as a fastener.钉子,图钉:一细的尖头金属,用于楔入某物,如图钉2. A fingernail or toenail.手指甲,脚趾甲3. A claw or talon.爪或爪状物4. Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.钉状物:在形状、锋利度或应用上类似指甲的东西5. A measure of length formerly used for cloth, equal to &9{!/16} yard (5.7 cm).纳尔:以前用于量布的单位,等于十六分之一码(5.7厘米)及物动词)  nailed,,nails 1. To fasten, join, or attach with or as if with a nail.钉牢:用钉子或像钉子一样固定、连结或附着2. To cover, enclose, or shut by fastening with nails:用钉子固定:通过用钉子固定来覆盖、包围或切断:nail up a window.钉牢一扇窗户3. To keep fixed, motionless, or intent:使固定,使动弹不得:保持固定的、无表情的或专注的:Fear nailed me to my seat.恐惧使我坐在凳子上动弹不得4. Slang 【俚语】 5. To stop and seize; catch:抓住:阻止并抓住;抓住:Police nailed the suspect.警察抓住了嫌疑犯6. To detect and expose:查出并揭露:nailed the senator in a lie; nail corruption before it gets out of control.查出并揭露参议院议员的谎言;在失去控制前查出并揭露腐败7. Slang 【俚语】 8. To strike or bring down, especially with something shot or hurled:击打:打击或击倒,尤指利用枪击或投掷:nail a bird in flight.击下空中的飞鸟9. To gain thorough understanding of; master:彻底了解;掌握:a brilliant student who nailed all her courses in thermodynamics.掌握热力学全部课程的优秀学生10. Baseball To put out (a base runner).【棒球】 杀(跑垒员)出局常用词组:nail down  1. To discover or establish conclusively:明确地决定或建立:nailed down the story by checking all the facts.通过查核所有的事实而下的结论2. To win:赢得:nailed down another victory in the golf tournament.赢得了另一项高尔夫球大赛语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English nægl [fingernail, toenail] * see  nogh- 源自 古英语 nægl [手指甲,脚趾甲] *参见 nogh- 继承用法:nail“er  n.(名词)




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