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单词 naive
释义 naive[nɑ:'i:v]a. 天真的, 纯真的, 幼稚的 naive  naive 或 na.ïve  AHD:  [nä-¶v“]  也作 na.if  或 na.ïf [nä-¶f“] D.J.  [n$86i8v] 也作 na.if  或 na.ïf [n$86i8f]K.K.  [n$6iv] 也作 na.if  或 na.ïf [n$6if]adj.(形容词)1. Lacking worldliness and sophistication; artless.缺乏俗气和世故的;自然的2. Simple and credulous as a child; ingenuous.天真的:如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的3. Lacking critical ability or analytical insight; not subtle or learned:幼稚的:缺乏批评能力或分析眼光的;不敏感的或没有经验的:“this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast”(&b{H.L. Mencken})“这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调”(H.L.门琴)4. Not previously subjected to experiments:未实验的:以前未曾用作实验的:testing naive mice.测试未试验过的老鼠5. Not having previously taken or received a particular drug:未用过的:以前从未用过的特别的药物:persons naive to marijuana.没用过大麻的人n.(名词)One who is artless, credulous, or uncritical.天真的人,易轻信的人,无批判力的人语源:1. French naïve [feminine of] naïf 法语 naïve  [] naïf的阴性词 2. from Old French [natural, native] 源自 古法语 [自然的,天真的] 3. from Latin n³t&9{ºvus} [native, rustic] 源自 拉丁语 n³t&9{ºvus} [天真的,粗俗的] 4. from n³tus [past participle of] n³sc&9{º} [to be born] * see  gen…- 源自 n³tus  [] n³sc&9{º}的过去分词 [出生] *参见 gen…- 继承用法:naive“ly  adv.(副词)naive“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. naive,simple,ingenuous,unsophisticated,natural,unaffected,guileless,artless2. These adjectives mean free from guile, cunning, or sham.这些形容词都含有不狡诈、不狡猾或不虚伪的意思。3. Naive  suggests the simplicity of nature;it sometimes connotes a credulitythat impedes effective functioning in a practical world: Naive  意在表示本性的单纯;有时它有轻信的意思,在现实生活中有时阻碍有效的工作: “this naive simple creature, with his straightforward and friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances” (Arnold Bennett).“这个天真的小家伙,友善率直的眼睛如此轻易相信表面现象” (阿诺德·贝内特)。4. Simple  stresses absence of complexity, artifice, pretentiousness, or dissimulation;it may imply a favorable quality, such as openness of character, or an unfavorable one, such as lack of good sense: Simple  强调不复杂、无巧饰、不伪装或不掩饰;它也可以含有好的品质(如性格开朗)或不好的品质(如缺乏好的鉴赏力): “Among simple people she had the reputation of being a prodigy of information” (Harriet Beecher Stowe).“在普通人当中,她享有信息通的美名” (哈里特·比彻·斯托)。5. Ingenuous  denotes childlike directness, simplicity, and innocence;it connotes an inability to mask one's feelings: Ingenuous  着重于孩子般的直率、单纯和天真;它暗示缺乏掩饰自己情感的能力: an ingenuous admission of responsibility.坦诚地承认义务。6. Unsophisticated  indicates absence of worldly wisdom: Unsophisticated  强调不谙世故: The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists.巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。7. Natural  stresses spontaneity that is the result of freedom from self-consciousness or inhibitions: Natural  强调由于没有自我意识或心理抑制而产生的自然: “When Kavanagh was present, Alice was happy, but embarrassed; Cecelia, joyous and natural” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).“当卡瓦纳出现时,爱丽斯很高兴但有点窘迫;切切里,快乐而自然” (亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗)。8. Unaffected   implies sincerity and lack of affectation: Unaffected  指真诚而不做作: “With men he can be rational and unaffected, but when he has ladies to please, every feature works” (Jane Austen).“和男人们在一起他可以相当真诚和理智,但当他要讨小姐们欢心时他会极尽谄媚之能事” (简·奥斯汀)。9. Guileless   signifies absence of insidious or treacherous cunning: Guileless  强调没有隐患或奸诈阴险: a guileless, disarming look.真诚的化解敌意的一瞥。10. Artless   stresses absence of plan or purpose, as to mislead,and suggests a lack of concern for or awareness of the reaction produced in others: Artless  强调无计划或目的,引起误导,并有对别人的反应缺乏关心或意识的意思: a woman of artless grace and simple goodness. 淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子




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