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单词 nap
释义 nap[næp]n. 小睡, 稍睡, 细毛, 孤注一掷vi. 小睡, 疏忽vt. 使拉毛, 打盹度过, 预测...为获胜马相关词组:go nap on nap 1  nap 1  AHD:  [n²p] D.J.  [n#p]K.K.  [n#p]n.(名词)A brief sleep, often during the day.小睡:小睡,常指在白天v.intr.(不及物动词)  napped,,naps 1. To sleep for a brief period, often during the day; doze.小睡,打瞌睡:短暂小睡,通常在白天打盹;打瞌睡2. To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble.不留神:处于没意识到逼近的危险或麻烦之中语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from nappen [to doze] 源自 nappen [打盹] 3. from Old English hnappian 源自 古英语 hnappian 注释:The famous verse 4 in Psalm 121,rendered in the King James Version as “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,”is rendered in a Middle English translation as “Loo, ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal.”The wordnappen  is indeed the Middle English ancestor of our wordnap.  Lest it be thought undignified to say that God could nap,it must be realized that our wordnap  was at one time not associated only with the younger and older members of society nor simply with short periods of rest.The ancestors of our word,Old Englishhnappian  and its descendant, Middle Englishnappen,  could both refer to prolonged periods of sleep as well as short ones and also, as in the quotation from Psalm 121, to sleepiness.But these senses have been lost.Since the word has become less dignified,we would not findnap  used in a translation of Psalm 121 any longer. 圣经诗篇121中著名的第四节,在钦定圣经译本中记为“看吧,他,守卫以色列的人既不能熟睡也不能打盹,”在中世纪英语中被译为“Loo , ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal”。单词nappen 在中世纪英语中就存在, 是单词nap 的前身。 避免人们不尊敬地认为上帝也能打盹,我们必须认识到单词nap 某些时候不只是与社会中的年轻人和老年人相关, 当然它也不仅指短暂的休息。这个单词的前身,古英语中hnappian 及后来它的衍生词, 中世纪英语中的nappen 都能表示延长时间的睡眠及短暂的睡眠, 如同圣经诗篇121中的引语,表示小睡。但这些意思都已经失传了。因为这个单词逐渐变得不再神圣,我们已无法再找到nap 用于圣经诗篇121的翻译中的意思了  nap 2  nap 2  AHD:  [n²p] D.J.  [n#p]K.K.  [n#p]n.(名词)A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather.绒毛:织物或皮革上的柔软或绒毛状的表面及物动词)  napped,,naps To form or raise a soft or fuzzy surface on (fabric or leather).使起毛:使在(织物或皮革上)形成或隆起柔软或绒毛状的表面语源:1. Alteration  perhaps influenced by obsolete French nape [tablecloth]  可能受 已废法语 nape的影响 [桌布] 2. of Middle English noppe 中古英语 noppe的变化 3. from Middle Dutch 源自 中古荷兰语  nap 3  nap 3  AHD:  [n²p] D.J.  [n#p]K.K.  [n#p]及物动词)  napped,,naps To pour or put a sauce or gravy over (a cooked dish):浇汁:往(做好的菜)上倒或浇料或调味汁:“a stuffed veal chop napped with an elegant Port sauce”(&b{Jay Jacobs})“牛肉片上浇有美味的肉汁”(杰·雅格布斯)语源:1. French napper 法语 napper 2. from nappe [cover] * see  nappe 源自 nappe [覆盖] *参见 nappe nap 4  nap 4  AHD:  [n²p] D.J.  [n#p]K.K.  [n#p]n.(名词)1. Games 【游戏】 2. A card game that resembles whist.纳普牌戏:类似惠斯特的一种牌戏3. The highest bid in this game, announcing the intention to win five tricks, the maximum number in a hand.Also called  napoleon 孤注一掷:这种牌戏中最高叫牌,宣布要赢五圈牌,这是每人手中所拿牌的最大数也作  napoleon4. See  napoleon 参见  napoleon 语源:Short for napoleon napoleon的简写




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