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单词 negative
释义 negative['negətiv]n. 否定, 否定语, 负数, 底片a. 否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的n. 负数, 负值【计】 负数, 负值【医】 阴性的, 负的; 否定的, 否认的; 底片【经】 负的, 否定的, 消极的相关词组:in the negative negative  neg.a.tive  AHD:  [nµg“…-t¹v] D.J.  [6neg*t!v]K.K.  [6nWg*t!v]adj.Abbr. neg.(形容词)缩写 neg.1. Expressing, containing, or consisting of a negation, refusal, or denial:否定的,否认的:表示、含有或由否定、拒绝、否认组成的:gave a negative answer to our request for funding.对我们的财政要求给予否定的回答2. Indicating opposition or resistance:否认的,反对的:表示反对或拒绝的:a negative reaction to the new advertising campaign.对新广告的宣传手法持反对立场3. Having no positive features:消极的:没有积极的因素:negative ideas; a negative outlook on life.消极的办法;消极的人生观4. Marked by or exhibiting features, such as hostility, that cannot be deemed positive or constructive:反面的,负面的:标记或表现出的特征,如敌意,不被认为是积极的和具建设性的:conducted a negative campaign against his opponent.对他的对手进行负面打击5. Medicine Not indicating the presence of microorganisms, disease, or a specific condition.【医学】 不存在的,阴性的:不表示微生物组织、疾病或一特定条件的存在6. Logic Designating a proposition that denies agreement between a subject and its predicate.【逻辑学】 否认一致的,否定的:指出一个否认主语及其表语一致关系的主张的7. Mathematics 【数学】 8. Relating to or designating a quantity less than zero.负数的:有关或表示一个小于零的数的9. Relating to or designating the sign (&9{-}).负号的:有关或表示符号(-)的10. Relating to or designating a quantity to be subtracted from another.减少的,扣除的:关于或标明一个数从另一个上减下来的11. Relating to or designating a quantity, a number, an angle, a velocity, or a direction in a sense opposite to another of the same magnitude indicated or understood to be positive.反的:关于或标明一个数、一个数字、一个角、一个速率或一个方向在某种意义上来说和其他相同数量的表示,或被理解为正的事物的相反物的12. Physics 【物理学】 13. Relating to or designating an electric charge of the same sign as that of an electron, indicated by the symbol (&9{-}).负电的,阴电的:关于或标明电的负荷和电子具有相同的符号,用符号(-)来表示的14. Relating to or designating a body having an excess of electrons.阴电荷的:关于或表明有过量电子的躯体的15. Chemistry Of or designating an ion, the anion, that is attracted to a positive electrode.【化学】 阴离子的:属于或表明离子,阴离子的;对阳电极有吸引力的16. Biology Moving or turning away from a stimulus, such as light:【生物学】 阴面的:离开或远离刺激物的,如光:a negative tropism.阴向性n.(名词)1. A statement or an act indicating or expressing a contradiction, denial, or refusal.See Usage Note at affirmative 否定,反驳,拒绝:意指或表示反驳、否认或拒绝的说法或行为参见 affirmative2. A statement or an act that is highly critical of another or of others:批评:对另一或其他事物持高度批判态度的说法或行为:campaign advertising that was based solely on negatives.以批评为主的广告手法3. Something that lacks all positive, affirmative, or encouraging features; an element that is the counterpoint of the positive:消极物:缺乏所有积极的、肯定的或鼓励的因素的事物;积极的反面观点的元素:“Life is full of overwhelming odds. You can't really eliminate the negatives but you can diminish them”(&b{Art Linkletter})“生活充满了无法抵挡的机会,你不可能真正地消灭那些消极的因素,但是你能削弱他们”(阿特·林克莱特)4. A feature or characteristic that is not deemed positive, affirmative, or desirable:消极性:不被认为是积极的、肯定的或有利的特色或特点:“As voters get to know his liberal views, his negatives will rise”(&b{Richard M. Nixon})“I'm known for being very forthright and honest in my opinions. If that's a negative, it's a negative”(&b{Kitty Dukakis})“当投票者开始了解他的自由派言论后,他的消极之处便会显露出来”(理查德M.尼克松)“我因发表见解正直且诚实而闻名,如果那也是缺点的话,它就是一个缺点”(基蒂·杜卡基斯)5. Grammar A word or part of a word, such asno, not,  or non-,  that indicates negation. See Usage Note at double negative 【语法】 否定词:表示否定的词或词的一部分,如no,not 或 non-  参见 double negative6. The side in a debate that contradicts or opposes the question being debated.反对方:在辩论中反驳或反对被辩论问题的一方7. An image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light.底片像:一种映像,在里面物体的有光的部分显示出暗色,而阴暗的部位显示出光亮8. A film, plate, or other photographic material containing such an image.底片:含有这样一种映像的电影、感光板或其它摄影原料9. Mathematics A negative quantity.【数学】 负数及物动词)  neg.a.tived,,neg.a.tives 1. To refuse to approve; veto.拒绝赞同;反对2. To deny; contradict.See Synonyms at deny 否认;反驳参见 deny3. To demonstrate to be false; disprove.证明是错误的;不赞成4. To counteract or neutralize.阻碍;抵消语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French negatif 源自 古法语 negatif 3. from Latin neg³t&9{ºvus} 源自 拉丁语 neg³t&9{ºvus} 4. from neg³tus [past participle of] neg³re [to deny] * see  negate 源自 neg³tus  [] neg³re的过去分词 [否认] *参见 negate继承用法:neg“atively  adv.(副词)neg“ativeness  或  neg”ativ“ity  AHD:  [-t¹v“¹-t¶] (名词)




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