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单词 neutral
释义 neutral['nju:trəl]n. 中立者, 中立国, 非彩色, 空档a. 中立的, 中性的, 无色的【医】 中性的; 无作用的 neutral  neu.tral  AHD:  [n›“tr…l, ny›“-] D.J.  [6nu8tr*l, 6nju8-]K.K.  [6nutr*l, 6nju-]adj.Abbr. neut.(形容词)缩写 neut.1. Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.中立的:不与…结盟的、不支持的或不援助战争、争吵或竞争中的任一方的2. Belonging to neither side in a controversy:中间的:不属于论战中任何一方的:on neutral ground.站在中间立场上3. Belonging to neither kind; not one thing or the other; indifferent.非此亦非彼的:不属于两者中任何一种的;非此亦非彼的;没有对错的4. Sexless; neuter.无性的;中性的5. Chemistry 【化学】 6. Of or relating to a solution or compound that is neither acidic nor alkaline.酸碱平衡的:溶液或化合物非酸性也非碱性的或与之有关的7. Of or relating to a compound that does not ionize in solution.非电离的:化合物在溶液中不能电离的或与之有关的8. Physics 【物理学】 9. Of or relating to a particle, an object, or a system that has neither positive nor negative electric charge.中性的:粒子、物体或系统电位既非正也非负的或与之有关的10. Of or relating to a particle, an object, or a system that has a net electric charge of zero.电中性的:粒子、物体或系统电位为零的或与之有关的11. Color Of or indicating a color, such as gray, black, or white, that lacks hue; achromatic.【色彩】 中间色的:属于或表明一种缺乏色度的颜色的,如灰、黑或白色的;无色彩的12. Linguistics Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as thea  in around.  【语言学】 中性音的:发音时舌头位于中间位置的,即不高也不低,如:around 中的 a 音 n.(名词)1. A nation nonaligned with either side in a war.中立国:战争中不与任何一方结盟的国家2. A citizen of such a nation.中立国国民:不结盟国家中的居民3. One who takes no side in a controversy:中立者:不介入争议中任何一方的人:“I am by disposition one of life's neutrals, a human Switzerland”(&b{John Gregory Dunne})“我是个天生的中立者,是一个瑞士人”(约翰·格列高利·邓恩)4. Color A neutral hue.【色彩】 中性色彩5. A position in which a set of gears is disengaged so that power cannot be transmitted.空档:一套齿轮在此处脱开,使动力不能传送的位置语源:1. Middle English neuteral 中古英语 neuteral 2. from Old French neutral 源自 古法语 neutral 3. from Latin neutr³lis [grammatically neuter] 源自 拉丁语 neutr³lis [语法上中性的] 4. from neuter  neutr- * see  neuter 源自 neuter  neutr- *参见 neuter继承用法:neu“trally  adv.(副词) Neutral  Neu.tral  AHD:  [n›“tr…l, ny›“-] D.J.  [6nu8tr*l, 6nju8-]K.K.  [6nutr*l, 6nju-]n.(名词)  【复数】 Neutral 或 Neu.trals  1. A confederacy of Iroquoian-speaking Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the northern shore of Lake Erie. The Neutral were destroyed by the Iroquois in the mid-17th century.易洛魁族:以前居住在伊利湖北岸的易洛魁语系的美国土著民族联盟。这个中立国在17世纪中叶被易洛魁人毁掉2. A member of this people.易洛魁族的成员




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