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单词 neutral ground
释义 neutral ground【电】 中点接地 neutral ground  neutral ground  n.Louisiana Southern Mississippi (名词)【路易斯安娜州】 【密西西比南部】 See  median strip 参见  median strip注释:The strip of grass dividing the opposing lanes of an avenue or a highwayis known by a variety of terms in the United States.The most common term ismedian strip  or median.  In upstate New York it is called amall,  and in Pennsylvania, amedial strip.  In the Upper Midwest the strip is known as ameridian,  a boulevard,  or a boulevard strip.  In Louisiana and southern Mississippi the term used isneutral ground— “as if the highway were a battle zone,” observes Craig M. Carver inAmerican Regional Dialects.  为了将街道或高速公路的两条方向相反车道分开的带状草坪。在美国有多种术语来指称。最常见的是median strip 或 median , 在纽约州北部它被称为mall , 在宾夕法尼亚洲称medial strip 。 在中西部地区以北该带称为meridian 、 boulevard、 或 boulevard strip 。 在路易斯安娜州或密西西北南部用neurtal ground “仿佛高速公路是战区”, 克雷格M.卡弗尔在美国地区方言 中这样加以评论




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