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单词 neutralize
释义 neutralize['nju:trəlaiz]vt. 使中立, 使成中立地带, 使中和, 抵销vi. 中立化, 变无效, 中和【化】 中和; 抵消【医】 中和 neutralize  neu.tral.ize  AHD:  [n›“tr…-lºz”, ny›“-] D.J.  [6nu8tr*7la!z, 6nju8-]K.K.  [6nutr*7la!z, 6nju-]及物动词)  neu.tral.ized,, 1. To make neutral.使中立化2. To counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render ineffective.使无效:平衡或消除…作用;致使无效3. To declare neutral and therefore inviolable during a war.宣布中立:在战争中宣布独立以不致受侵扰4. Chemistry 【化学】 5. To make (a solution) neutral.使中性:使(溶液)呈中性6. To cause (an acid or a base) to undergo neutralization.中和:使(酸和碱)进行中和7. Medicine To counteract the effect of (a drug or toxin).【医学】 使无效:消除(药物或毒素)的作用8. Slang To remove as a threat, especially by killing.【俚语】 消除威胁,尤指以杀害的方式继承用法:neu“traliz”er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. neutralize,negate,nullify,counteract2. These verbs mean to make something ineffective by or as if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force.这些动词是指通过使用相反的或制衡的力量使事物无效。3. Neutralize  implies a state of ineffectiveness, inaction, or inoperativeness: Neutralize  暗含一种无效、不起作用、不生效的状态: “American life is a powerful solvent. It seems to neutralize every intellectual element . . . and to fuse it in the native good will, complacency, thoughtlessness, and optimism” (George Santayana).“美国人的生活是一种强大的不断对事物进行削弱的力量,它好象在抵销一切智力因素…使其同民族精神、自信心、无私奉献精神和乐观主义精神融合起来” (乔治·桑塔亚那)。4. Negate   andnullify  suggest cancellation of validity, force, usefulness, value, consequence, or significance:  Negate  和nullify 表示对效能、能量、用途、价值、结论或意义的废弃或推翻:  “The [15th] &I{Amendment nullifies sophisticated as well as simple-minded modes of discrimination”}  (Felix Frankfurter).“[第15号] 修正案削弱了复杂而又简单的歧视情绪”  (菲利克斯·弗兰克弗特)。5. Counteract  frequently implies the opposition of forces thought of as being desirable and undesirable;it may suggest action taken as a corrective measure: Counteract  通常指需要或不需要的相反力量,暗示一种作为修正标准的行为: The prime minister addressed the nation in an effort to counteract the damage the scandal had done to his credibility. 首相向全国人民发表演说,以抵制丑闻给他们的荣誉造成损害




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