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单词 nip
释义 nip[nip]n. 捏, 夹, 寒冷, 尖刻话vt. 捏, 夹, 钳, 剪断, 损伤, 冻伤, 一小口vi. 夹, 捏, 刺骨, 快走, 一小口一小口地抿(酒)【计】 核心程序的初始程序相关词组:nip and tucknip innip in the bud nip 1  nip 1  AHD:  [n¹p] D.J.  [n!p]K.K.  [n!p]v.(动词)  nipped,,nips及物动词)1. To seize and pinch or bite:抓住,捏,咬:The fish nipped the wader's toe.鱼咬住了涉水者的脚趾2. To remove or sever by pinching or snipping:铰下,挟去:通过夹或剪以去除或切断:nipped off the plant leaf.铰下了植物的叶子.3. To bite or sting with the cold; chill.使冻伤或刺痛;使寒冷4. To check or cut off the growth or development of:阻止,使夭折:抑制或截断…的生长或发展:a conspiracy that was nipped in the bud by the police.See Synonyms at &b{blast} 被警察阻止在萌芽状态中的阴谋参见 blast5. Slang 【俚语】 6. To snatch up hastily.快速地抓起7. To take (the property of another) unlawfully; steal.偷窃:不合法地拿走(另一个人的财产);偷窃v.intr.Chiefly British (不及物动词)【多用于英国】 To move quickly; dart.快速移动;飞奔n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of seizing or pinching.抓住,挟住:抓或挟的行为或事例2. A pinch or snip that cuts off or removes a small part:移去或截下一小部分:He gave a small nip to each corner of the cloth.他把布的每一个角都铰了一块3. The small bit or portion so removed:截下的一小块或部分:There were nips of construction paper all over the child's table.孩子的桌子上满是彩色美术纸的碎片4. A sharp, stinging quality, as of frosty air.刺骨,尖锐:尖锐的、刺骨的特性,如寒冷空气5. Severely sharp cold or frost.极其寒冷或严寒6. A cutting remark.切过的记号7. A sharp, biting flavor; a tang:强烈辛辣的滋味;强烈的味道:the nip of Mexican salsa.墨西哥酱汁的辣味语源:1. Middle English nippen 中古英语 nippen 2. perhaps from Middle Dutch nipen 可能源自 中古荷兰语 nipen  nip 2  nip 2  AHD:  [n¹p] 【非正式用语】 D.J.  [n!p]K.K.  [n!p]n.(名词)A small amount of liquor.一小口:少量的液体v.(动词)  nipped,,nips及物动词)To sip (alcoholic liquor) in small amounts:少量小口地呷(酒):had been nipping brandy.一直在小口地抿白兰地v.intr.(不及物动词)To take a sip or sips of alcoholic liquor:一小口或小口地抿酒:nips all day long.整日地呷酒语源:1. Probably short for nipperkin 可能为 nipperkin的简写 2. [of Dutch or Low German origin] [起源于荷兰语或低地德语]




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