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单词 nod
释义 nod[nɒd]n. 点头, 打盹, 晃动vi. 点头, 打盹vt. 点头表示, 点(头)【医】 点头相关词组:give sb a nodgive a plan the nodnod to its fallon the nodnod in approvalnod to sb in greetingnod sb a welcomenod sb back nod  nod  AHD:  [n¼d] D.J.  [nKd]K.K.  [n$d]v.(动词)  nod.ded,nod.ding,nods v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To lower and raise the head quickly, as in agreement or acknowledgment.点头:快速地低下并抬起头,如表示同意或致意2. To let the head fall forward when sleepy; doze momentarily:打盹:当困倦时头向前垂着;短时的小睡:nodded off on the train.在火车上打瞌睡3. To be careless or momentarily inattentive as if sleepy; lapse:过失:不小心或好象困了一时疏忽;失误:Even Homer nods.即使荷马也疏忽4. To sway, move up and down, or droop, as flowers in the wind.上下摆动:弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的花朵及物动词)1. To lower and raise (the head) quickly in agreement or acknowledgment.点(头等):快速地低下并抬起(头)以示同意或致意2. To express by lowering and raising the head:点头表示:通过点头表示:He nodded his agreement.他点头表示同意3. To summon, guide, or send by nodding the head:点头示意:通过点头来召唤,指引或使去:The chairperson nodded us into the room.那位主席点头示意将我们引进屋子n.(名词)1. A forward or up-and-down movement of the head, usually expressive of drowsiness or agreement:点头:头的向前或上下移动的动作,通常为困倦或同意的表达:gave a nod of affirmation.点头确认2. An indication of approval or assent:同意:表示同意或赞成的信号:The contestant got the nod from the judges.选手从裁判那获得了同意的信号语源:Middle English nodden ; akin to  perhaps akin to Middle High German notten 中古英语 nodden ;类似于  可能类似于 中古高地德语 notten 继承用法:nod“der  n.(名词)




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