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单词 noise
释义 noise[nɒiz]n. 噪音, 杂音, 响声, 喧闹vt. 谣传vi. 喧闹【计】 噪声【化】 噪声【医】 噪音相关词组:make a noise in the world noise  noise  AHD:  [noiz] D.J.  [n%!z]K.K.  [n%!z]n.(名词)1. Sound or a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired.噪音:高的、不悦耳的、不想听到的或不喜欢的响声或声音2. Sound or a sound of any kind:声音,响声:The only noise was the wind in the pines.唯一的响声是松林中的风声3. A loud outcry or commotion:喧嚣声:高声的呼喊或呐喊:“Whatever the fate of Eureka, it should have some positive effects, even if modest in comparison to its political noise, for the technological cooperation of European firms”(&b{Foreign Affairs})“无论欧雷卡的命运如何,都将带来正面的影响,纵然这比与它在政治上引起的骚动小得多,因为它导致欧洲各公司间的技术合作”(外交事务)4. Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.【物理学】 干扰噪声:一种干扰,尤指一处任意的和持续的干扰,使信号变模糊或减少5. Computer Science Irrelevant or meaningless data generated by a computer along with desired data.【计算机科学】 无用数据:计算机产生的与所需数据不相干或无意义的数据6. Informal 【非正式用语】 7. A complaint or protest.报怨,抗议8. Rumor; talk.谣传;诉论9. noises Remarks or actions intended to convey a specific impression or to attract attention:noises 引注意的言行:评论和行为,用于传播一种特殊的印象或吸引注意:“The U.S. is making appropriately friendly noises to the new Socialist Government”(&b{Flora Lewis})“美国正发表适当的言论以引起新的社会主义政府的注意”(弗洛拉·刘易斯)v.(动词)  noised,,及物动词)To spread the rumor or report of.谣传:传播谣言或议论v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To talk much or volubly.大声讲话:过多地或高声地说话2. To be noisy; make noise.喧闹:变得嘈杂的;发出声响语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. perhaps from Vulgar Latin *nausea [discomfort] 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *nausea [不适] 4. from Latin nausea [seasickness] * see  nausea 源自 拉丁语 nausea [晕船] *参见 nausea参考词汇:1. noise,din,racket,uproar,pandemonium,hullabaloo,hubbub,clamor,babel2. These nouns refer to loud, confused, or disagreeable sound or sounds.这些名词指高声的、混乱的或不喜欢的声响或声音。3. Noise  is the least specific: Noise  是用得最普遍的: The din in the factory ends abruptly when the noon whistle sounds.当中午的笛声响起时,工厂里的嘈杂声顿时停止了。4. Racket  is loud, distressing noise: Racket  指高声的、使人痛苦的声音: Can you imagine the racket made by a line of empty trailer trucks rolling along cobblestone streets?你能想象出一队空的拖车卡车在卵石路上行进所发出的噪音吗?5. Uproar, pandemonium,   andhullabaloo  imply disorderly tumult together with loud, bewildering sound:  Uproar, pandemonium  和hullababo 暗含着带有高的、使人迷惑的声音的无秩序的喧嚣:  The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。6. Hubbub  emphasizes turbulent activity,as of those engaged in commerce, and concomitant din: Hubbub  强调混乱的活动,如那些商业性的、伴随着吵闹声的: We couldn't hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters, and touts.在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。7. Clamor  is loud, usually sustained noise,as of a public outcry of dissatisfaction: Clamor  指高声的,通常为支持的声音,如公众不满的呼喊: The debate was interrupted by a clamor of opposition.辩论被反对方的一声叫喊打断。8. Babel  stresses confusion of vocal sounds arising from simultaneous utterance and random mixture of languages: Babel  强调同时发出的声音和随便的语言混合的混乱: My outstanding memory of the diplomatic reception is of elegantly dressed guests chattering in a babel of tongues. 我对外交接待的最突出的记忆是穿着高雅的客人们用非常混杂的语言喋喋不休 注释:For those who find that too much noise makes them ill,it will come as no surprise that the wordnoise  possibly can be traced back to the Latin word nausea,  “seasickness, feeling of sickness.” Our wordsnausea  and noise  are doublets, that is, words borrowed in different forms from the same word.Nausea,  first recorded probably before 1425, was borrowed directly from Latin.Noise, on the other hand, first recorded around the beginning of the 13th century, came to us through Old French,probably ultimately from Latin,which explains its change in form.The unrecorded change in sense probably took place in Vulgar Latin.Old Frenchnois,  descended from Latin nausea,  meant “sound, din, uproar, quarrel,” all senses that came into Middle English with the word.Noise,  however, is an example of how words can change for the better, for a noise can be pleasantas well as unpleasant,as in the sentence “The only noise was the wind in the pines.”对那些发现太多的嘈杂声使他们很不舒服的人来说,无须惊奇词语noise 很可能可以追溯到拉丁语 nausea “晕船,不舒服的感觉”。 词语nausea 和 noise 是同源词, 也就是说这两个词是同一单词的不同形式。Nausea 第一次记录也许在1425年以前, 它直接来自于拉丁语。另一方面,noise 大约在13世纪初第一次记录下来, 在古法语中使用,可能最终源自拉丁语,这解释了它的形式变化。这种意义上讲未被记录的变化可能在民间拉丁文中。古法语nois 从拉丁语 nausea “声音,嘈杂声,喧嚣,吵闹”转变过来, 所有意义都随此词进入中世纪英语。然而noise 是一个词语如何演变向更好的方面的例子, 因为一种声音可能是悦耳的,也可能是不悦耳的,如在句子“The only noise was the wind in the pines”中




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