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单词 nor
释义 nor[nɒ:]conj. 也不, 也没有【计】 或非 nor 1  nor 1  AHD:  [nôr] [n…r] 非重读时 D.J.  [n%8][n*]非重读时 K.K.  [n%r][n*]非重读时 conj.(连接词)And not; or not; not either:也不是:或不;也不;也不是:has neither phoned nor written us; life forms that are neither plants nor animals.既没打电话也没写信给我们;既非植物也非动物的生命形态语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. blend of ne [no] * see  no 1混合了 ne [不] *参见 no13. or [or] * see  or 1or [或] *参见 or1用法:1. The traditional rule requires thatnor  be used following neither  in expressions in which the negation is carried over to the second element:He is neither able nor  (not or ) willing to go. Noris likewise required when a negation is carried over into the second of two independent clauses, in which caseit also triggers inversion of the subject and the auxiliary verb in the second clause: 传统规则要求nor 用于 neither 后面, 在这种表达中,否定放在第二个部分:他既不能也 (不用 or ) 不愿走。 Nor在当两个独立句子中的第二个也被否时被用, 在这种用法中,它也引起第二个句子主语和助动词的转变: Jane will never compromise with Bill, nor will Bill compromise with Jane. 简决不会同比尔和解,而比尔也决不会同简和解。 2. When the first negative is expressed bynot  or never,  however, and when the second conjoined element is a verb phrase,the use ofnor  is often optional:  然而当第一个否定词用not 或 never 表达, 且当第二个连结部分是动词短语时,nor 的用法通常可选择:  He will not permit the change, or (or &I{nor} ) &I{even consider it.}  他决不会容许改变,或者(或者用 nor ) 甚至考虑它。  3. When a noun phrase of the typeno this or that  is introduced by no, or  is more common than nor :  当一个名词短语以形式no this or that 被 no,or 引入时比 nor 更常用:  He has no experience or interest (less frequently &I{nor interest} ) &I{in chemistry.} 对于化学他既没经验也没兴趣(很少用 nor interest ) 。 4. Oris also more common than nor  when such a noun phrase, adjective phrase, or adverb phrase is introduced bynot :  Or在下面这种情况下比 nor 常用, 如一个名词短语、形容词短语或副词短语被not 引导时:  We were not rich or happy. See Usage Note at &b{neither} ,&b{or} &+{1}我们既不富有也不快乐 参见 neither,or1 nor 2  nor 2  AHD:  [nôr, n…r] 非重读时 D.J.  [n%8, n*]非重读时 K.K.  [n%r, n*]非重读时 conj.Regional (连接词)【区域的】 Than.比语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. perhaps ultimately from nor [nor] * see  nor 1可能最终源自 nor [比] *参见 nor1 NOR  NOR  AHD:  [nôr] D.J.  [n%8]K.K.  [n%r]n.(名词)A logical operator that consists of a logical OR followed by a logical NOT and returns a true value only if both operands are false.或非:由逻辑非紧跟逻辑或之后构成的逻辑运算符,仅当算子均为假时才返回真价 Nor.  Nor.  abbr.(略语)1. Norman. Norman.2. North. North.3. Norway ,Norwegian. Norway,Norwegian. nor-  nor-  pref.(前缀)An unaltered parent compound:去,降:norepinephrine.去甲肾上腺素语源:Short for normal normal的简写




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