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单词 argue
释义 argue['ɑ:gju]vi. 提出理由, 争论, 辩论vt. 主张, 辩论, 证明, 说服【法】 争辩, 辩证, 争论相关词组:argue with sb argue  ar.gue  AHD:  [är“gy›] D.J.  [6$8gju8]K.K.  [6$rgju]v.(动词)  ar.gued,,ar.gues及物动词)1. To put forth reasons for or against; debate:争论:为…提出理由或提出理由反对;辩论:“It is time to stop arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them”(&b{Paul Craig Roberts})“现在该是停止关于减少税率的争辩,而是把它们付诸实施的时候了”(保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨)2. To attempt to prove by reasoning; maintain or contend:坚持,主张:列举证明极力列举理由以证明;坚持或主张:The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.讲演者举出理由证明应该允许更多的移民入境3. To give evidence of; indicate:给出…证据;指出:“Similarities cannot always be used to argue descent”(&b{Isaac Asimov})“有类似的特征,不能用来证明一个人的出身”(艾萨克·阿西莫夫)4. To persuade or influence (another), as by presenting reasons:说服,劝告:说服或影响(他人),如通过提出理由:argued the clerk into lowering the price.极力说服售货员降低价格v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To put forth reasons for or against something:争辩:提出理由以表示(赞成)或反对某事:argued for dismissal of the case; argued against an immediate counterattack.主张驳回诉讼;据理力争反对立即反攻2. To engage in a quarrel; dispute.参与争吵;争论语源:1. Middle English arguen 中古英语 arguen 2. from Old French arguer 源自 古法语 arguer 3. from Latin arg&9{¿t³re} [to babble, chatter] [frequentative of] arguere [to make clear] * see  arg- 源自 拉丁语 arg&9{¿t³re} [唠叨,闲谈]  [] arguere的重复动词 [弄清楚] *参见 arg- 继承用法:ar“guer  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. argue,quarrel,wrangle,squabble,bicker2. These verbs denote verbal exchange expressing conflict of positions or opinions. To这些动词都是指用语言互换来表达立场或观点的冲突。3. argue   is to present reasons or facts in an attempt to persuade an adversary in debate or to induce another to espouse a cause or point of view one advocates: argue  指提出理由或事实,试图在争辩中说服对方,或促使他人拥护自己倡导的理由或观点: “I am not arguing with you—I am telling you”  (James McNeill Whistler).“我不是在和你争论--我是告诉你” (詹姆斯·麦克尼尔·惠斯勒)。4. Quarrel   stresses animosity and often a suspension of amicable relations: Quarrel  强调敌意,常指友好关系的终止: There's no point in quarreling about the past.为过去的事而争吵是没有用的。5. Wrangle   refers to loud, contentious argument: Wrangle  指大声的,极易引起争吵的争论: “audiences . . . who can be overheard wrangling about film facts in restaurants and coffee houses”  (Sheila Benson).“观众们…常听到在餐馆和咖啡馆里大声争论电影里的情节” (希拉·本森)。6. Squabble   suggests disagreeable argument, usually over a petty or trivial matter: Squabble  指令人不快的争论,常为一些小的或琐碎事: “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin . . . would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities”  (Theodore Roosevelt).“使这个国家崩溃的可靠办法…就是允许它成为一个为小事争吵不休的乱糟糟的国家” (西奥多·罗斯福)。7. Bicker   connotes sharp, persistent, bad-tempered exchange: Bicker  含有尖刻,固执,心情不好的交谈: “The same reason that makes us bicker with a neighbor creates a war between princes”  (Montaigne).See also Synonyms at  &b{discuss} ,&b{indicate} 我们与邻国争吵的原因会使王公们之间爆发一场战争” (蒙田)参见同义词 discuss,indicate




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