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单词 Numidia
释义 Numidia  Nu.mid.i.a  AHD:  [n›-m¹d“¶-…, ny›-] D.J.  [nu86m!di8*, nju8-]K.K.  [nu6m!di*, nju-]NONE(无词性)An ancient country of northwest Africa corresponding roughly to present-day Algeria. It was part of the Carthaginian empire before the Punic Wars and became a separate kingdom after 201b.c.  Conquered by Rome in 46 b.c.  and invaded by the Vandals in the fifth century a.d. , Numidia was overrun by the Arabs in the eighth century. 努米底亚:非洲西北部的一个古国,大致在今天的阿尔及利亚。在古迦太基战争前是迦太基帝国的一部分,公元前 20年成为独立王国, 公元前 46年被罗马征服, 公元后 5世纪被汪达尔人侵略,8世纪大批阿拉伯人来到努米底亚 继承用法:Numid“ian  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)




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