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单词 obedient
释义 obedient[ə'bi:djənt]a. 服从的, 顺从的, 孝顺的【法】 服从的, 顺从的, 忠顺的相关词组:be obedient to obedient  AHD:  [½-b¶“d¶-…nt] D.J.  [*&6bi8di8*nt]K.K.  [o6bidi*nt]adj.(形容词)Dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or instructions of one in authority.服从的,顺从的:对上级命令、指示或指令服从的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin oboedi¶ns  oboedient- [present participle of] oboed&9{º}re [to obey] * see  obey 源自 拉丁语 oboedi¶ns  oboedient-  [] oboed&9{º}re的现在分词 [服从] *参见 obey继承用法:obe“diently  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. obedient,biddable,compliant,acquiescent,submissive,docile,amenable,tractable2. These adjectives mean carrying or willing to carry out the orders, requests, or wishes of another.这些形容词的含义是执行或愿意执行别人的命令、要求或希望。3. Obedient  implies acceptance of and submission to authority: Obedient  暗示对权力的服从与接受: “A more gentle and biddable invalid . . . can hardly be conceived” (Henry Kingsley).“再没有一个病人会这样温柔和听话了” (亨利·金斯利)。4. Compliant   andacquiescent  suggest a disposition to yield to authority meekly and without protest:  Compliant  和acquiescent 指温顺地没有反抗地屈从于权力的性情:  too acquiescent to challenge the propriety of offering a bribe.对爱赌的行为太过默许而不反对。5. Submissive  implies an inclination or a willingness to submit without resistance and sometimes with deference to the control of another: Submissive  暗示一种毫无反抗的屈服,而且有时对他人的控制怀有敬意的屈服倾向或意愿: “A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes—will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished” (John Stuart Mill).“一个为了使人民成为它手中顺从的工具而阻碍人们发展的国家,即使为了有益处的目的——也会发现卑微的人不会真正办成大事” (约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒)。6. Amenable  suggests an agreeable responsiveness to authority, advice, or suggestion: Amendable  指为对权力、建议或意见表示同意的反应: a high-spirited and rebellious girl not at all amenable to persuasion.一个泼辣而反叛的女孩根本不听从劝告。7. Tractable   applies to those who can be handled, dealt with, or managed, especially with ease: Tracfable  用于指可以,特别是很容易就可以被应付、对付或操纵的人: “the natives . . . being . . . of an intelligent tractable disposition” (Samuel Butler).“性情聪明温顺的当地人” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)




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