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单词 oblige
释义 oblige[ə'blaidʒ]vt. 强制, 施恩惠于, 使感激vi. 施恩惠, 帮忙 oblige  o.blige  AHD:  […-blºj“] D.J.  [*6bla!d9]K.K.  [*6bla!d9]v.(动词)  o.bliged,,及物动词)1. To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means.强制,强迫:通过体力、法律、社会或道义的手法强迫、强制2. To make indebted or grateful:使感谢或感激:I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.我很感谢你的热情好客3. To do a service or favor for:施恩惠于,帮助:They obliged us by arriving early.他们来帮了我们一个大忙v.intr.(不及物动词)To do a service or favor:帮…忙,施恩惠:The soloist obliged with yet another encore.独奏演员又演了一个节目语源:1. Middle English obligen 中古英语 obligen 2. from Old French obligier 源自 古法语 obligier 3. from Latin oblig³re 源自 拉丁语 oblig³re 4. ob- [to] * see  ob- ob- [朝,向] *参见 ob-5. lig³re [to bind] * see  leig- lig³re [束缚] *参见 leig- 继承用法:oblig“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. oblige,accommodate,favor2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to perform a service or a courteous act for”: 这些动词共有的中心含义是“帮助或做出一种礼貌的行为”: favor an audience with an encore. See also Synonyms at  &b{force} &b{disoblige} 再为观众表演一次 参见同义词 forcedisoblige




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