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单词 Odessa
释义 Odessa  AHD:  [½-dµs“…] D.J.  [*&6des*]K.K.  [o6dWs*]NONE(无词性)1. also […-dyµ“s…] A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. onOdessa Bay,  an arm of the Black Sea. Said to occupy the site of an ancient Greek colony that disappeared between the 3rd and 4th centuries a.d. , Odessa was established as a Tartar fortress in the 14th century, passed to Turkey in 1764, and was captured by Russia in the 1790's. It is a major port, naval base, and resort. Population, 1,126,000. 也作 […-dyµ“s…] 敖德萨:俄罗斯欧洲部分西南部城市,在黑海中的敖德萨海湾 。据说为占据消失于 公元 3至4世纪之间的古希腊的一个殖民地,敖德萨是作为鞑靼要塞在14世纪建立的,于1764年移交土耳其,在18世纪90年代又为俄国占有。它是主要港口,海军基地及休养胜地。人口1,126,000 2. A city of western Texas south-southwest of Lubbock. It was a small ranching town until the discovery of oil in the area. Population, 89,699.敖德萨:美国得克萨斯西部城市,位于拉伯克西南偏南。在该在区发现石油之前它原是一个经营牧场为主的小镇。人口89,699




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