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单词 Ontario
释义 Ontario 1  On.tar.i.o  AHD:  [¼n-târ“¶-½”] D.J.  [Kn6te*ri87*&]K.K.  [$n6tWri7o]NONE(无词性)1. Abbr. ON,Ont.A province of east-central Canada. It joined the confederation in 1867. First visited by French explorers in the early 1600's, it passed to the British in 1763 and became part of the province of Quebec in 1774. It was called Upper Canada after its division from Quebec (then Lower Canada) in 1791. Reunited with Lower Canada in 1841, it became a separate province with the formation of the confederation. Toronto is the capital and the largest city. Population, 8,625,107.缩写 ON,Ont.安大略省:加拿大中东部的一个省,1867年加入联盟。最初是在17世纪由法国探险家发现,1763年转入英国人手里,1774年成为魁北克省的一部分。在1791年脱离魁北克省时称为上层加拿大(之后称下层),在1841年和下层加拿大合并成为一个具有联盟形式的独立省份。多伦多是其首府,也是最大的城市。人口8,625,1072. A city of southern California east of Los Angeles. It is a residential and industrial center in a citrus-growing region. Population, 133,179.安大略:位于加利福尼亚州南部、洛杉矶东部的一座城市;是盛产柑橘地区的一个居民区和工业中心。人口133,179 Ontario 2  Ontario,Lake。  NONE(无词性)The smallest of the Great Lakes, between southeast Ontario, Canada, and northwest New York. The St. Lawrence Seaway and Welland Ship Canal connect with the lake to afford passage by oceangoing vessels to the other Great Lakes.安大略湖:五大湖中最小的湖,位于安大略东南、加拿大和纽约西北部之间。圣劳伦斯河道和韦兰运河与此湖相连,它沟通了远洋航行和五大湖区的海上运输




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