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单词 open
释义 open['əupən]n. 公开, 户外, 空旷a. 开着的, 开放的, 开阔的, 营业着的, 公开的, 悬而未决的vt. 打开, 公开, 开放vi. 展开, 开始, 展现【计】 打开指令; 打开语句【化】 断开【医】 哆开的, 开放的, 切开, 切断电路, 断电【经】 开盘相关词组:break openin the openinto the openkeep one's eyes openlay openopen intoopen outopen sb's eyes toopen upthrow openbe open to open  o.pen  AHD:  [½“p…n] D.J.  [6*&p*n]K.K.  [6op*n]adj.(形容词)1. Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed.开着的:没有障碍的进口和出口;没关的2. Affording unobstructed passage or view:通行无阻的:没有栅栏、界限或其它限制性边界的:open waters; the open countryside.开放的海域;开阔的村庄3. Having no protecting or concealing cover:没遮盖的:无保护的或无遮掩的:an open wound; an open sports car.没有包扎的伤口;敞篷跑车4. Completely obvious; blatant:显著的;露骨的:open disregard of the law.公然藐视法津5. Carried on in full view:公开的:open warfare; open family strife.公开的斗争;公开的家庭纠纷6. Not sealed or tied:未封上的:an open package.未封上的包裹7. Spread out; unfolded:打开的,未封住的:an open book.摊开的书8. Having interspersed gaps, spaces, or intervals:有空隙的;有间隔的:open ranks; an open weave.松散的队伍;织孔粗的编织9. Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants:公开的,没有限制的:an open competition.公开赛10. Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions:不受限制的:open registration.自由登记11. Enterable by registered voters regardless of political affiliation:可自由参加的:不受政治因素干扰,通过民主投票产生的:an open primary.民主选举12. Lacking effective regulation:缺乏有影响力的管束的:an open town in which gambling predominated.准许赌赙的城市13. Not legally repressed:不受法律约束的:open drug trafficking.合法的毒品交易14. Susceptible; vulnerable:对…敏感的,易受攻击的:open to interpretation; an issue that is open to question.对翻译较敏感的;易引起争议的提议15. Willing to consider or deal with:待考虑或解决的:open to suggestions.广纳建议16. Available; obtainable:可利用的;可取得的:The job is still open.职位仍然空缺着17. Available for use:随时可用的:an open account; the only course open to us.活期的资金;我们唯一可用的途径18. Ready to transact business:营业中的:The store is open.这家商店正在营业19. Not engaged or filled:空闲的,未满的:has an open hour for emergency cases.有一个小时空闲处理紧急事件20. Not yet decided; subject to further thought:悬而未决的,仍需要考虑的:an open question.悬而未决的问题21. Characterized by lack of pretense or reserve; candid:毫无保留的,坦率的:Please be open with me.See Synonyms at &b{frank} &+{1}请对我坦白参见 frank122. Free of prejudice; receptive to new ideas and arguments:没有偏见的:心平气和地对待新观点和争论的:She listened to the proposal with an open mind.她以无私的态度听取这项方案23. Generous:大方的,慷慨的:He is very open with his time.他非常乐意贡献自己的时间24. Printing 【印刷术】 25. Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.有空格的,有间隔的:行距宽的,用于打字或打印26. Having constituent elements separated by a space in writing or printing:字间有空格的:在写作或打印中字间有空格的:The word&I{sea gull}  is an open compound. 这个字海欧 是中间有空格的复合词 27. Music 【音乐】 28. Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.不用手指按压的:不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的29. Produced by an unstopped string or hole or without the use of slides, valves, or keys:空弦所产生的:an open note on a trumpet.小喇叭的空音30. Played without a mute:不以弱音演奏的:an open wind instrument.不以弱音演奏的乐器31. Articulated with the tongue in a low position, as the vowel infar.  以低音调发音的,象far 中的元音 32. Ending in a vowel or diphthong:以元音或双元音结尾的:an open syllable.以元音结尾的音节33. Designating a method of punctuation in which commas and other marks are used sparingly.少用标点符号的:在不引起混淆的情况下可能时省略逗号和其他符号的34. Being in operation; live:运转中的,活生生的:an open microphone.正使用的麦克风35. New England Clear. Used of weather.See Regional Note at fair 1【新英格兰】 用于表示天气晴朗的参见 fair136. Electricity Containing a gap across which electricity cannot pass.【电学】 短路的37. Mathematics 【数学】 38. Of or relating to an interval containing neither of its endpoints.不包含前后两点的39. Of, relating to, or being a set such that at least one neighborhood of every point in the set is within the set.开集合的:指集合中的每一个点都有一个邻域,而且这些点全部在此集合中的40. Of, relating to, or being a set that is the complement of a closed set.余集合的v.(动词)  o.pened,,o.pens及物动词)1. To release from a closed or fastened position.打开:从关闭的或固定的位置上移开2. To remove obstructions from; clear.除去,除掉,弄干净3. To make or force an opening in:切开,使畅通:open an old wound.切开旧伤口4. To form spaces or gaps between:区隔,间隔:soldiers opening ranks.士兵们错开队伍5. To remove the cover, cork, or lid from.从…上揭开盖子,瓶塞6. To remove the wrapping from; undo.打开…的包装;解开7. To unfold so that the inner parts are displayed; spread out:打开:打开使里面的内容表现出来;传播开来:open a newspaper.摊开或铺开一张报纸8. To get (something) going; initiate:举行,推动:open a campaign.举行一场运动9. To commence the operation of:开张,营业:open a new business.开始新的事业10. Games To begin (the action in a game of cards) by making the first bid, placing the first bet, or playing the first lead.【游戏】 叫牌,下财注,先出牌:在一种游戏的一圈或一盘的开始,叫牌,下财注,或先出牌11. To make available for use:开放:opened the area to commercial development.开放这个区域作为商业发展之用12. To make more responsive or understanding.使(心灵)更易接受…13. To reveal the secrets of; bare.泄密,表示心意14. Law To recall (an order or a judgment) for a reexamination of its merits.【法律】 撤消:(命令、审判)以便重新评估其是非曲折v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become open:使打开:The door opened slowly.这扇门慢慢地打开了2. To draw apart; separate:分开,分离:The wound opened under pressure.伤口因受力裂开了3. To spread apart; unfold.打开,散开4. To come into view; become revealed:展示,显现:The plain opened before us.一望无际的平原展现在我们面前5. To become receptive or understanding.(心灵)变得更容易接受…6. To begin; commence:开始,创始:The meeting opened with a call to order.这个会议是为了讨论社会治安而召开7. To begin business or operation.开始做生意或开始生产8. To give the first public performance:首次公开演出:The play opens next week.这出戏剧将于下星期公开演出9. Games To make a bid, bet, or lead in starting a game of cards.【游戏】  第一个叫牌,第一个下注,第一个打牌10. To give access:通往:The room opens onto a terrace.这个房间通往阳台n.(名词)1. An unobstructed area of land or water.不设防的疆域或水域2. The outdoors:户外:camping in the open.露天宿营3. An undisguised or unconcealed state:坦然;公开:brought the problem out into the open.把这个问题拿出公开讨论4. Sports Games A tournament or contest in which both professional and amateur players may participate.【体育运动】 【游戏】 公开赛:专业和业余选手均可参加的比赛或锦标赛常用词组:open up  1. To spread out; unfold:展开;摊开:A green valley opened up before us.青翠的山谷展现在我们眼前2. To begin operation:开始运作:The new store opens up next month.这家新商店将在下个月开张3. To begin firing:开战;开火:The artillery opened up at dawn.炮兵于拂晓时开口4. Informal To speak freely and candidly:【非正式用语】 直言不讳:At last the frightened witness opened up and told the truth.这名吓坏了的目击者终于直言不讳说出了事实5. To make an opening in by cutting:切开:The surgeon opened up the patient's chest.这名外科医生切开了病人的胸部6. To make available or accessible:使可利用;使通往:open up new markets.打开了新的市场7. Informal To accelerate. Used of a motor vehicle.【非正式用语】 (用于汽车)加速习惯用语:open fire  To begin firing on.开火open (one's) eyes  To become aware of the truth of a situation.使看清事实真相语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English * see  upo 源自 古英语 *参见 upo 继承用法:o“penly  adv.(副词)o“penness  n.(名词)




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