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单词 oppose
释义 oppose[ə'pəuz]vt. 反对, 以...对抗, 抗争vi. 反对【法】 反对, 反抗, 阻挠相关词组:oppose withoppose oneself to sth oppose  op.pose  AHD:  […-p½z“] D.J.  [*6p*&z]K.K.  [*6poz]v.(动词)  op.posed,,及物动词)1. To be in contention or conflict with:和…起冲突:与某事物对抗或冲突:oppose the enemy force.和敌军起冲突2. To be resistant to:反抗,抗拒:opposes new ideas.反对新的意见3. To place opposite in contrast or counterbalance.相对:放在某事物对面以对比或平衡4. To place so as to be opposite something else.使相对:为使与其它事物相对而放置v.intr.(不及物动词)To act or be in opposition.对抗,对立语源:1. Middle English opposen [to question, interrogate] 中古英语 opposen [提问,质问] 2. from Old French opposer 源自 古法语 opposer 3. alteration  influenced by poser [to place] * see  pose 1 受 poser的影响 [放置] *参见 pose14. of Latin opp½nere [to oppose]  ob- [against] * see  ob-  p½nere [to put] * see  apo- 拉丁语 opp½nere的变化 [反对]  ob- [反对] *参见 ob- p½nere [放置] *参见 apo- 继承用法:oppos“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. oppose,fight,combat,resist,withstand,contest2. These verbs are compared as they mean to set someone or something in opposition to another, as in an effort to overcome or defeat.这些动词表示把某事或某物放在相反位置上以求取胜时,意思是有区别的。3. Oppose  has the fewest connotations: Oppose  内涵最少: “The idea is inconsistent with our constitutional theory and has been stubbornly opposed . . . since the early days of the Republic” (E.B. White).“这种想法与我们的宪法理论不相符,一直受到顽固抵制…自从共和国成立早期就开始了。” (E.B.怀特)。4. Fight   andcombat  suggest vigor and aggressiveness:  Fight  和combat 表示充满活力和斗志:  “My servants . . . resisted the adoption of this plan” (A.W. Kinglake).“我的佣人们拒绝接受这个计划” (A.W.肯莱克)。5. Withstand  often implies successful resistance: Withstand  通常指成功的反抗。 I don't contest your right to dispose of your property as you see fit,but I doubt the propriety of this bequest. 我不反对你放弃你的财产的权力,但是我怀疑这遗产的合法性




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