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单词 optimism
释义 optimism['ɒptimizm]n. 乐观主义, 乐观, 乐天【医】 乐观主义, 乐观 optimism  op.ti.mism  AHD:  [¼p“t…-m¹z”…m] D.J.  [6Kpt*7m!z*m]K.K.  [6$pt*7m!z*m]n.(名词)1. A tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation:乐观主义,乐观:期待一切都朝着好的方向发展或总是考虑事情最有利的方面的一种倾向:“There is a touch of optimism in every worry about one's own moral cleanliness”(&b{Victoria Ocampo})“在对自身道德纯净度的每次焦虑中,都存在一种乐观因素”(维多利亚·奥卡姆波)2. Philosophy 【哲学】 3. The doctrine, asserted by Leibnitz, that this world is the best of all possible worlds.尽善尽美论:由莱布尼兹创建的一种理论,认为这个世界是尽善尽美的4. The belief that the universe is improving and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.乐观论:认为世界是不断发展完善的,善最终必战胜恶的理论语源:1. French optimisme 法语 optimisme 2. from New Latin optimum [the greatest good] * see  optimum 源自 现代拉丁语 optimum [最有利的一面] *参见 optimum




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