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单词 Oran
释义 Oran  O.ran  AHD:  [½-rän“, ô-rä’“] D.J.  [*&6r$8n, %86r$80]K.K.  [o6r$n, %6r$0]NONE(无词性)A city of northwest Algeria on theGulf of Oran,  an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea west-southwest of Algiers. Built on a site occupied since prehistoric times, Oran was captured by the Spanish in 1509 and by the Turks in 1708. It was occupied by the French in 1831 and held by Vichy France during World War II. Allied troops liberated the city in November 1942. Population, 409,788. 奥兰:阿尔及利亚西北部一座城市,位于奥兰湾畔, 该湾处阿尔及尔西南偏西,是地中海的入海口。奥兰建立于自史前即有人占据的地址上,1509年被西班牙占领,1708年被土耳其据有。1831年被法国占据并在二战其间被法兰西维希帝国统治。1942年11月盟军解放该城。人口409,788




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