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单词 oratory
释义 oratoryn. 演讲, 雄辩术, 演讲术, 雄辩 oratory 1  oratory 1  AHD:  [ôr“…-tôr”¶, -t½r”¶, ¼r“-] D.J.  [6%8r*7t%8ri8, -7t*&ri8, 6Kr-]K.K.  [6%r*7t%ri, -7tori, 6$r-]n.(名词)1. The art of public speaking.演讲术:演说的技巧或艺术2. Eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public.雄辩:向公众发言时的雄辩口才或语言技巧3. Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric.演说:以滥用修辞为特征的演说语源:1. Latin (ars) ½r³t½ria [(art) of speaking] [feminine sing. of] ½r³t½rius [oratorical] 拉丁语 (ars) ½r³t½ria [演讲(的艺术)]  [] ½r³t½rius的阴性单数 [演说术的] 2. from ½r³tor [speaker] 源自 ½r³tor [演说者] 3. from ½r³re [to speak] 源自 ½r³re [演说]  oratory 2  oratory 2  AHD:  [ôr“…-tôr”¶, -t½r”¶, ¼r“-] D.J.  [6%8r*7t%8ri8, -7t*&ri8, 6Kr-]K.K.  [6%r*7t%ri, -7tori, 6$r-]n.(名词)  【复数】 1. A place for prayer, such as a small private chapel.祷告所:用来作祈祷的地方,例如私人修的小教堂2. Also Oratory 也作 Oratory 3. A Roman Catholic religious society founded in 1575 by Saint Philip Neri and consisting of secular priests.奥拉托力会:由圣菲利普·奈里于1515年建立的罗马天主教性质的宗教团体,由不属教派的神职人员组成4. A branch or church of this society.此类团体的分支或教堂语源:1. Middle English oratorie 中古英语 oratorie 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Late Latin ½r³t½rium [place of prayer] 源自 后期拉丁语 ½r³t½rium [祷告地] 4. from Latin [neuter of] ½r³t½rius [for praying] 源自 拉丁语  [] ½r³t½rius的中性 [为祷告] 5. from ½r³re [to pray] 源自 ½r³re [祷告]




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