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单词 ordinary
释义 ordinary['ɒ:dinəri]a. 平常的, 普通的, 平凡的n. 平常的人(或事)【经】 普通的, 平常的, 通常的相关词组:out of the ordinaryin ordinary ordinary  or.di.nar.y  AHD:  [ôr“dn-µr”¶] D.J.  [6%8dn7eri8]K.K.  [6%rd27Wri]adj.(形容词)1. Commonly encountered; usual.See Synonyms at common 通常的:通常遇见的;普通的参见 common2. Of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality; average.一般的:没有超乎寻常的能力、程度或品质的;一般的3. Of inferior quality; second-rate.平庸的:质量较差的;二流的4. Having immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction, as a judge.常任的,本身有权的:拥用直接的裁判权而不是被授权的,如法官5. Mathematics Designating a differential equation containing no more than two variables and derivatives of one with respect to the other.【数学】 常的:为微分方程设计的,该方程的变量不超过两个且一个对另一个进行求导n.(名词)  【复数】 or.di.nar.ies 1. The usual or normal condition or course of events:平常的事:通常的或一般的情况或事件进程:Nothing out of the ordinary occurred.没有什么超乎寻常的事发生2. Law 【法律】 3. A judge or other official with immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction.法官或其它官员:有直接裁判权而非被授权的法官或其他官员4. The judge of a probate court in some states of the United States.法官:在美国一些州中遗嘱检验法庭的法官5. Often Ordinary Ecclesiastical 常作 Ordinary 【基督教会】 6. The part of the Mass that remains unchanged from day to day.常规弥撒:弥撒仪式总是保持不变的那一部分7. A division of the Roman Breviary containing the unchangeable parts of the office other than the Psalms.规程书典:罗马天主教每日祈祷的一部分,包括保持不变的日课部分而非旧约诗篇8. A cleric, such as the residential bishop of a diocese, with ordinary jurisdiction over a specified territory.高级教士:在一定地区内实际行使宗教管辖权的高级教士,如教区的常住主教9. Heraldry One of the simplest and commonest charges, such as the bend and the cross.【纹章学】 普通级:图形最为简单且最为普遍的纹章之一,例如中斜线纹和十字形10. Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 11. A complete meal provided at a fixed price.套饭:以固定的价格提供的全套膳食12. A tavern or an inn providing such a meal.小酒菜馆:供应套饭的酒菜馆或小酒馆语源:1. Middle English ordinarie 中古英语 ordinarie 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin ½rdin³rius 源自 拉丁语 ½rdin³rius 4. from ½rd½  ½rdin- [order] * see  ar- 源自 ½rd½  ½rdin- [顺序] *参见 ar- 继承用法:or”dinar“iness  n.(名词)




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