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单词 orgasm
释义 orgasm['ɒ:gæzm]n. 极度兴奋, 兴奋的高潮, (感情等的)爆发【医】 性欲高潮, 性乐 orgasm  or.gasm  AHD:  [ôr“g²z”…m] D.J.  [6%87g#z*m]K.K.  [6%r7g#z*m]n.(名词)1. The highest point of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and marked normally by ejaculation of semen by the male and by vaginal contractions in the female.Also called  climax 性高潮:性兴奋的最高点,以极度快感为特点并通常以男性射精和女性阴道收缩为标志也作  climax2. A similar point of intensity of emotional excitement.极度兴奋:感情兴奋达到最高程度的近似点语源:1. French orgasme 法语 orgasme 2. or New Latin orgasmus 或 现代拉丁语 orgasmus 3. both from Greek orgasmos [swelling, excitement] 都源自 希腊语 orgasmos [膨胀,兴奋] 4. from organ [to swell up, be excited] 源自 organ [膨胀起来,兴奋] 继承用法:orgas“mic  AHD:  [ôr-g²z“m¹k]  或 or.gas“tic [-t¹k] (形容词)orgas“mically  或  adv.(副词)orgas“tically  




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