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单词 Orléans
释义 Orléans  Or.lé.ans  AHD:  [ôr-l³-ä’“] D.J.  [%8le!6$80]K.K.  [%rle6$0]NONE(无词性)A city of north-central France on the Loire River south-southwest of Paris. Founded by Celts and conquered by Julius Caesar in 52b.c. , the city was taken by Clovis I in a.d.  498 and became the center of the Frankish kingdom of Orléans  in 511. It became a principal residence of the Capetian kings in the tenth century. The siege of Orléans by the English (1428-1429) was lifted by troops led by Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orléans. Population, 102,117. 奥尔良:法国中北部城市,位于在巴黎西南偏南的卢瓦尔河畔。该城由克尔特人建立,公元前 52年被朱里斯·凯撒征服, 公元 498年被克洛维一世占领,511年成为 奥尔良 法兰克王国的中心。10世纪,该城市为卡佩王朝国王的主要居住地。英国对该城市的围攻(1428—1429年)被由奥尔良姑娘——圣女贞德所率领的军队击溃。人口102,117




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