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单词 arsenic
释义 arsenic['ɑ:sənik]n. 砷, 砒霜【化】 砷As【医】 砷(33号元素); 三氧化二砷 arsenic  AHD:  [är“s…-n¹k] D.J.  [6$8s*n!k]K.K.  [6$rs*n!k]AHD:  [är-sµn“¹k] n.(名词)1. Symbol As A highly poisonous metallic element having three allotropic forms, yellow, black, and gray, of which the brittle, crystalline gray is the most common. Arsenic and its compounds are used in insecticides, weed killers, solid-state doping agents, and various alloys. Atomic number 33; atomic weight 74.922; valence 3, 5. Gray arsenic melts at 817&9{=}C (at 28 atm pressure), sublimes at 613&9{=}C, and has a specific gravity of 5.73.See table at element 符号 As 砷:一种有剧毒的金属元素,有黄、黑、灰三种同素异形体,其中质脆,结晶体的灰色形体最为常见。砷及其化合物用于杀虫剂,除草剂,固体添加剂和各种合金。原子序数33;原子量74.922;化合价3,5。灰色砷熔点为817&9{=}C(在28气压时),613&9{=}C升华,比重5.73参见 element2. Arsenic trioxide.三氧化二砷adj.(形容词) Of or containing arsenic, especially with valence 5.含有砷的:含有砷的,尤指五价砷的语源:1. Middle English arsenik 中古英语 arsenik 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin arsenicum 源自 拉丁语 arsenicum 4. from Greek arsenikon [yellow orpiment] 源自 希腊语 arsenikon [雌黄] 5. alteration of Syriac zarn&9{ºk³} 古叙利亚语 zarn&9{ºk³的变化} 6. from Middle Persian *zarn&9{ºk} 源自 中古波斯语 *zarn&9{ºk} 7. from Old Iranian *zarna- [golden] * see  ghel- 2源自 古伊朗语 *zarna- [金色的] *参见 ghel- 2




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