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单词 out of
释义 out of在...外, 离开..., 从...里面, 出于, 由于, 因为, 缺乏, 没有, 放弃, 丧失 out of  out of  prep.(介词)1. From within to the outside of:表示从里向外:got out of the car.从车里出来2. From a given condition:表示从既定状况发生的改变:came out of her trance.从恍惚状态中清醒过来3. From an origin, a source, or a cause:表示起源、来源或原因:made out of wood.从木头中提炼出4. In, especially intermittently in:表示在…里,尤指间断性地在…里:works out of the main office.有时在主要办事处工作5. In a position or situation beyond the range, boundaries, limits, or sphere of:表示超越界限、疆界、限制或范围的位置或情形:The plane flew out of sight.飞机飞得看不见了6. In a state or position away from the expected or usual:表示出乎意料的或不寻常的状态或位置:out of practice; out of touch with reality.毫不实际的;与现实毫无联系的7. From among:表示从…中:five out of six votes.六人中有五人投票8. In or into a condition of no longer having:表示不再拥有…的状态:We're out of coffee; We were tricked out of our savings.我们没咖啡喝了;我们受骗,把积蓄都花光了习惯用语:out of it【俚语】  Not aware of or participating in a particular group, pursuit, or trend.在局外,没加入:意识不到要参加或没有参加一个特殊团体、行业或潮流




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