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单词 outrageous
释义 outrageous[aut'reidʒəs]a. 暴虐的, 极无礼的, 可恶的 outrageous  out.ra.geous  AHD:  [out-r³“j…s] D.J.  [a&t6re!d9*s]K.K.  [a&t6red9*s]adj.(形容词)1. Grossly offensive to decency or morality.蛮横的:对礼仪或道德非常粗俗地冒犯的2. Being well beyond the bounds of good taste:非常不文雅的:超越良好品位界限的:outrageous epithets.非常不文雅的称号3. Having no regard for morality.无道德的:漠视道德的4. Violent or unrestrained in temperament or behavior.残暴的:性情或行为狂暴或放纵的5. Extremely unusual or unconventional; extraordinary:非凡的:极不寻常或非常规的;非凡的:loved to dress in outrageous clothing; found some outrageous bargains.爱穿奇装异服;买到一些非常便宜的东西6. Being beyond all reason; extravagant or immoderate:过分的:不合乎任何情理的;放肆的或过分的:spends an outrageous amount on entertainment.把钱过度地花在娱乐上继承用法:outra“geously  adv.(副词)outra“geousness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. outrageous,flagrant,atrocious,monstrous2. These adjectives mean grievously or conspicuously bad or appalling; the terms are often used interchangeably.Somethingoutrageous  is grossly offensive to decency, morality, or good taste:  这些形容词都意味着极其或显而易见糟糕的或骇人的,这些词条常被交替使用。Outrageous 修饰的事物是极不体面、不道德或不风雅的:  “The adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States . . . in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing . . . to the exercise of an international police power” (Theodore Roosevelt).“美国对门罗主义的信奉也许会迫使美国…在理该责难的错误行径中…动用世界宪兵的威力” (西奥多·罗斯福)。3. Atrocious   means extremely wicked or cruel: Atrocious  指极为邪恶或凶残: Murder is an atrocious crime.谋杀是一种残忍的犯罪活动。4. Monstrous  describes what is shockingly hideous or frightful: Monstrous  指令人极端惊骇或害怕的: “There was no excess too monstrous for them to commit” (Nicholas P.S. Wiseman).“多么令人感到可怕的事他们都能干出来” (尼古拉斯·P.S·魏兹曼)




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