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单词 owe
释义 owe[əu]vt. 亏欠, 负...债, 归功于, 怀有, 应给予, 感恩vi. 欠钱【经】 欠(债等); 应付的相关词组:owe sb ill willowe sb for sthowe sth to sb owe  owe  AHD:  [½] D.J.  [*&]K.K.  [o]v.(动词)  owed,,owes及物动词)1. To be indebted to the amount of:欠:欠一定数量的债:He owes me five dollars.他欠我五美元2. To have a moral obligation to render or offer:应尽…的道义:负有道德义务来归还或提供:I owe them an apology.我应向他们道个歉3. To be in debt to:负债:We owe the plumber for services rendered.我们因修理工提供的服务而欠了他债4. To be indebted or obliged for:感恩于,应归功于:owed their riches to oil; owes her good health to diet and exercise.有了石油才有他们的财富;她的健康归功于饮食和锻炼5. To bear (a certain feeling) toward a person or persons:怀有情感:对某个人或某些人有(特殊的感情):You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge.看起来对你的邻居满怀怨恨6. Archaic To have as a possession; own.【古语】 作为财产拥有;占有v.intr.(不及物动词)To be in debt:欠债:She still owes for the car.她仍然没付清这辆车的钱语源:1. Middle English owen 中古英语 owen 2. from Old English ³gan [to possess] * see  ¶ik- 源自 古英语 ³gan [拥有] *参见 ¶ik-




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