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单词 Owen
释义 Owen 1  Ow.en  AHD:  [½“¹n] Sir Richard (1804-1892) D.J.  [6*&!n]K.K.  [6o!n]NONE(无词性)British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum (1856-1884) and an early opponent of Darwin's theories of evolution.欧文,理查德:(1804-1892) 英国解剖学家和古生物学家,他是大英博物馆(1856-1884年)自然历史部的负责人,也是早期的达尔文的进化论的反对者 Owen 2  Owen&B{Robert} (&b{1771-1858})  NONE(无词性)Welsh-born British manufacturer and social reformer who attempted to establish a cooperative community at New Harmony in Indiana (1825-1828).欧文,罗伯特:(1771-1858) 威尔士裔的英国制造商和社会改革家,1825-1828年他试图在印第安纳州的新哈莫尼建立一协会 Owen 3  Owen&B{Robert Dale} (&b{1801-1877})  NONE(无词性)Scottish-born American social reformer and politician. He served as U.S. representative from Indiana (1843-1847) and wrote the influentialPolicy of Emancipation  (1863). 欧文,罗伯特·戴尔:(1801-1877) 苏格兰裔的美国社会改革者。他曾任美国印第安纳州众议员(1843-1847年)并著有影响深远的《解放政策》 (1863年)  Owen 4  Owen&B{Wilfred} (&b{1893-1918})  NONE(无词性)British poet whose work reflects his experiences in World War I. He was killed in battle.欧文,维尔弗雷德:(1893-1918) 英国诗人,他的作品反映了他在第一次世界大战中的经历。他死于一场战争




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