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单词 oxford
释义 oxford  AHD:  [¼ks“f…rd] D.J.  [6Kksf*d]K.K.  [6$ksf*d]n.(名词)1. A sturdy, low shoe that laces over the instep.牛津鞋:一种结实的脚背上系脚带的矮鞋2. A cotton cloth of a tight basket weave, used primarily for shirts.牛津裙:用紧的篮子编织的一种棉布衣服,主要用于裙子语源:After  Oxford [England] 源自  Oxford[英格兰]  Oxford 1  AHD:  [¼ks“f…rd] D.J.  [6Kksf*d]K.K.  [6$ksf*d]NONE(无词性)1. A borough of south-central England on the Thames River west-northwest of London. First mentioned in 912, it was chartered in 1605. Oxford University, with its famed “dreaming spires,” was founded in the 12th century and still dominates the center of the city. Population, 114,400.牛津:英格兰中南部的一个区,位于泰晤士河之滨,伦敦西北偏西。912年第一次被提及到,1605年被特许立市。牛津大学,有著名的“梦想之颠”,建于12世纪并且仍然居于整个城市的中心地位。人口114,4002. A city of northern Mississippi south-southeast of Memphis, Tennessee. It is the seat of the University of Mississippi (“Old Miss”), established in 1844, and was William Faulkner's home town. Population, 9,882.牛津:密西西比南部一城市,位于田纳西州孟斐斯东南偏南。是密西西比大学的所在地(老密西),建于1844年,它是威廉姆·福克纳的家乡。人口9,8823. A village of southwest Ohio northwest of Hamilton near the Indiana border. Mainly residential, it is the seat of Miami University (founded 1809). Population, 18,937.牛津:俄亥俄州的西南的一村庄,位于印第安纳附近的哈密尔顿西北。主要是住宅区。它是迈阿密大学(建于1809年)的旧址。人口18,937 Oxford 2  Oxford17th Earl of  Title of &b{Edward de Vere.}(&b{1550-1604})  NONE(无词性)English courtier and poet who is believed by some to have written Shakespeare's plays.牛津,爱德华·德威尔:英国朝臣与诗人,一些人认为是他写下莎士比亚的剧作




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