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单词 pacify
释义 pacify['pæsifai]vt. 使平静, 安慰, 绥靖, 使服从 pacify  pac.i.fy  AHD:  [p²s“…-fº”] D.J.  [6p#s*7fa!]K.K.  [6p#s*7fa!]及物动词)  pac.i.fied,,pac.i.fies 1. To ease the anger or agitation of.使平静,安抚:平息…怒气或激动2. To end war, fighting, or violence in; establish peace in.平定,镇压:在…结束战争、斗争或暴力;建立和平语源:1. Middle English pacifien 中古英语 pacifien 2. from Old French pacifier 源自 古法语 pacifier 3. from Latin p³cific³re 源自 拉丁语 p³cific³re 4. p³x  p³c- [peace] * see  pag- p³x  p³c- [和平] *参见 pag- 5. -fic³re [-fy] -fic³re [后缀,表“使…化”] 继承用法:pac”ifi“able  adj.(形容词)参考词汇:1. pacify,mollify,conciliate,appease,placate2. These verbs all refer to allaying another's anger, belligerence, discontent, or agitation. To这些动词都用来指减轻或消除另一方的怒气、好战性、不满或焦虑。3. pacify  is to restore calm to or establish peace in: Pacify  指使恢复平静或建立和平: An army was required in order to pacify the islands.被要求平息这个岛的军队。4. Mollify  stresses the soothing of hostile feelings: Mollify  强调敌对情绪的抚慰: “In that case go ahead with the project,” she said, mollified by his agreeable manner.“在那种情况下继续执行计划,”她说,她已被他那彬彬有礼的态度所软化了。5. Conciliate  usually implies winning over, often by reasoning and with mutual concessions: Conciliate  通常暗指通过说理和互相迁就争取过来: “A wise government knows how to enforce with temper or to conciliate with dignity” (George Grenville).“一个明智的政府明白如何通过调和来加强或以威严来安抚” (乔治·格伦维尔)。6. Appease   andplacate suggest the satisfaction of claims or demands or the tempering of antagonism, often through the granting of concessions:  Appease  和placate 表示通过让步而使请求或要求得到满足或敌意得到调和:  Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess. 甚至一纸书面道歉都没能安抚这个怒气冲冲的女主人




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